Tool for analyzing smart contracts using mythril
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Notes: replace owner and github url path.
- Install mythril via pypi Mythril require additional setup doc from mythril source code:
Whenever you disassemble or analyze binary code, Mythril will try to
resolve function names using its local signature database. The database
must be provided at ``~/.mythril/signatures.json``. You can start out
with the `default file <signatures.json>`__ as follows:
$ cd ~/.mythril
$ wget
- Install project dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to project scanner dir
$ cd scanner
- Create github personal token: - Setup firebase connection:
Take certificate from Project Settings -> Service account -> Generate new private key
Place this certificate inside project root. - FIREBASE_DATABASE
Database url from Firebase real-time database settings.
- Run ginicorn:
Temporary define large timeout, will be fixed:
$ gunicorn main:run --bind localhost:8000 --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker -e GITHUB_TOKEN=<token_here> -e FIREBASE_CERTIFICATE=<FIREBASE_CERTIFICATE_PATH> -e FIREBASE_DATABASE=<FIREBASE_DATABASE> -t 200 --reload