Django-Purls is the simplest way to enable parallelized download of static content on your site. Adding parallelize downloads to your pages may increase response times by 30%.
See for a deeper analysis.
Django-Purls maps static content URLs to one of the configured servers in the PURL_SERVERS settings. Django-Purls uses a consistent hashing algorithm allowing you to add or remove servers without completely re-shuffling all URL mappings and still utilize browser cache.
Supports Python 2.5 or later
$ easy_install django-purls
1. Wrap your static content (ex. images) in the purl template tag.
{% load purl_tags %} {% for image in image_list %} <img src="{% purl image.thumbnail_url %}" /> {% endfor %}
2. Install Djagno app and tell Django-Purls about your asset servers
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'purls', ) PURL_SERVERS = { # rewrite all URLs using the purl template tag to one of the following # servers 'default': ('', '', ''), }