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machakann edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 6 revisions

If you want to disable these recipes, set g:sandwich_no_tex_ftplugin (or g:sandwich_no_plaintex_ftplugin in case the filetype is plaintex) as true in your vimrc.

let g:sandwich_no_tex_ftplugin = 1

Surroundings Input
` ' u', l', l`
U", ug, u,
« » u<, uf
`` '' l"
"` "' L"
,, `` l,
<< >> l<
\{ \} \{
\[ \] \[
\begingroup \endgroup gr, \gr
\toprule \bottomrule tr, br, \tr, \br

Surroundings Input
\left( \right) m(
\left[ \right] m[
`\left \right
\left\{ \right\} m{
\left\langle \right\rangle m<
\big( \big) M(
\big[ \big] M[
`\big \big
\big\{ \big\} M{
\big\langle \big\rangle M<

The surroundings its input starting from 'm' or 'M' could be removed/replaced by a input ma, for example press sdma.

Surroundings Input
\{input}{ } c
\begin{{input}} \end{{input}} e

These recipes ask user to input a string and then {input} is substituted by the input string. As for the second recipe for environments, user can use <Tab> key to complete {input}, the completion items are loaded from g:sandwich#filetype#tex#environments (or b:sandwich#filetype#tex#environments if exists).

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