Before you begin make sure you download the Atlassian JIRA Extension (Also added to our recommended list of extensions).
- Click on the JIRA extension and make sure you turn off Bitbucket settings & leave Jira settings enabled.
- Make changes to your tasks (Ex: Add description, Change Status and so on...)
- Transition stories from one column to another when pushing code changes to GITHUB
- Click on the JIRA Extension and then click on JIRA issues tab.
- You'll see that the tasks are arranged in a hierarchy shown below:
- Select your story and it'll look something like this.
In order to move your stories from one column to another, you can do so using the message prompt in VSCode or using command line while pushing your changes.
Syntax : <Task-number> #<New_Column_Name> #comment "Commit Message" Example: To transition task ATP-52 from it's current state (whatever that may be) to testing, the syntax would be. ATP-52 #testing #comment "Testing the changes"
Valid values for transition columns are
- to-do
- in-progress
- testing
- done