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API Client

Sam Dozor edited this page May 27, 2016 · 3 revisions

API Client

The SDK provides an interface to the mParticle HTTP API by way of the EventsApi class.

At minimum, the EventsApi must be initialized with an mParticle key and secret. You can find your mParticle key and secret by navigating to the Apps section of the mParticle platform UI.

You must associate your data with the correct key and secret. If your app is multi-platform, for example, be sure to send your Android data to your Android key/secret, and your iOS data to your iOS key/secret.

configuration = mparticle.Configuration()
configuration.api_key = 'REPLACE WITH APP KEY'
configuration.api_secret = 'REPLACE WITH APP SECRET'
configuration.debug = True #enable logging of HTTP traffic
api_instance = mparticle.EventsApi(configuration)

Uploading Data

The EventsAPI class exposes two interfaces:

  • bulk_upload_events - Accepts up to 100 Batch objects for up to 100 users.
  • upload_events - Accepts a single Batch object for a single user
    # you can also send multiple batches at a time to decrease the amount of network calls
    #api_instance.bulk_upload_events([batch, batch])
except as e:
    print "Exception while calling mParticle: %s\n" % e
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