This is a Least-Recently Used cache with event hooks and an optional expiry mode that removes keys if they aren't used within the specified time.
npm install --save lru-events
var makeLRU = require("lru-events")
var lru = makeLRU()
var smallLru = makeLRU({max: 2})
var lruWithOptions = makeLRU({max: 2, expiryIfUnused: 5*60*1000})
smallLru.set("a", "A")
smallLru.set("b", "B")
smallLru.get("a") // "A"
smallLru.set("c", "C")
smallLru.get("a") // "A"
smallLru.get("b") // undefined
smallLru.get("c") // "C"
clear :: () -> () -- does not clear event handlers; event callback takes no args.
get :: Key -> Value
length :: () -> Int -- event callback takes length.
on :: String -> (Key -> Value -> ()) -- callbacks generally take Key and Value args.
peek :: Key -> Value -- does not change recently used order or expiry times
remove :: Key -> Value
set :: Key -> Value -> Value
options = {
max: 1000, // number of items before the least-recently used gets evicted.
expiryIfUnused: Infinity // in milliseconds