The library allows to parse/serialize PSSH boxes with Widevine, PlayReady or Nagra payload
macOS 10.13+, iOS 11.0+ and Windows are supported by the module code base. Other platforms (watchOS 4.0+, tvOS 11.0+, Linux, Android) have experimental support
Notice: XCode 15+ doesn't allow to use iOS 11, tvOS 11 as minimum deployment target during build process. So the mimimum deployment target for these platforms in your project must be 12 in fact. If you want to bypass this limitation, you have to roll back to XCode 14. More info: 1, 2
PSSH is a standardized container that holds metadata specific to the protection system employed for securing digital content. Hence PSSH is a part of DRM signalling.
PSSH DOES NOT contain the enryption key itself (it’s a secret), but it contains the necessary information about encryption, such as the key ID, the encryption scheme, and other information that is needed to obtain the key from a license server
Field name | Type | Description |
Box size | UInt32 (Big endian) | Box container bytes count including 'box size' 4 bytes |
Magic header | String (4 bytes) | Constant box container magic header - "pssh" (0x70, 0x73, 0x73, 0x68) |
PSSH version | UInt8 | There are two versions of PSSH box: 0 (commonly used) and 1 (new 'recommended') |
Flags | Bytes array (3) | PSSH box bit flags |
System ID | Bytes array | Constant system UUID bytes array (16) |
Key IDs count | UInt32 (Big endian) | Common PSSH V1 key IDs count. Optional |
Key IDs | Bytes array | Common PSSH V1 key IDs data. Optional |
Init data size | UInt32 (Big endian) | PSSH box init data size in bytes |
Init data | Bytes array | PSSH box init data. Contains payload instance raw data according system ID |
System ID variants
DRM Technology | Identifier (System ID) |
Widevine | edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed |
PlayReady | 9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95 |
Nagra | adb41c24-2dbf-4a6d-958b-4457c0d27b95 |
FairPlay | 94ce86fb-07ff-4f43-adb8-93d2fa968ca2 |
Common (Version 1) | 1077efec-c0b2-4d02-ace3-3c1e52e2fb4b |
More details you can find at Axinom
Microsoft DRM system. PlayReady init data mixes binary (PSSH data and inner records) and XML (Record header) formats
Binary PlayReady PSSH data is a top-level model. Contains the next fields:
Field name | Type | Description |
Init data size | UInt32 (Little endian) | Data bytes count including 'init data size' 4 bytes |
Records count | UIn16 (Little endian) | PlayReady records count |
Records' data | Bytes array | Records' data sequence |
Each item in records data sequence contains the next fields:
Field name | Type | Description |
Record type | UInt16 (Little endian) | Record type key: 1 - Record header, 2 - Reserved, 3 - Embedded License Store |
Record value size | UIn16 (Little endian) | Record object size in bytes |
Value data | Bytes array | Record object data. Contains payload instance raw data record type |
More details you can find at Microsoft docs
Widevine PSSH data schema used from protobuf model
Nagra init data is Base64-encoded JSON string. Decoded JSON contains the next fields:
Field name | Type | Description |
Content ID | String | Nagra PSSH content ID |
Key ID | Hex string | Nagra PSSH key ID |
Notice: Nagra PSSH data supports converting to Widevine
SwPSSH is available with SPM
.package(url: "", .from(from: "1.2.1"))
SwPSSH is available with CocoaPods. To install a module, just add to the Podfile:
- iOS
platform :ios, '11.0'
pod 'SwPSSH'
- macOS
platform :osx, '10.13'
pod 'SwPSSH'
- tvOS
platform :tvos, '11.0'
pod 'SwPSSH'
- watchOS
platform :watchos, '4.0'
pod 'SwPSSH'
Main class for work with PSSH box containers is PSSHBox. It provides methods for parsing and serializing general data on box containers. When you successfully parsed the PSSH box, you can transform init data to Widevine, PlayReady or Nagra
import SwPSSH
let pssh: PSSHBox? = PSSHBox.from(b64EncodedBox: PSSHBoxEncoded)
let playReadyPayload: PlayReadyPsshData? = pssh?.playReadyPayload//Tries to parse PlayReady PSSH data from raw init data
let wdvPayload: WidevinePsshData? = pssh?.wdvPayload//Tries to parse Widevine PSSH data from raw init data
let nagraPayload: NagraPsshData? = pssh?.nagraPayload//Tries to parse Nagra PSSH data from raw init data