Load following libraries:
(If you want to use OpenCensus)
Application framework integrations (e.g. integration with Spring Boot) are provided, which are described later.
You need to specify which tracing SDK to use.
To use OpenCensus, specify com.m3.tracing.tracer.opencensus.M3OpenCensusTracer
environment variable or m3.tracer.fqcn
JVM system property.
By default, the library uses com.m3.tracing.tracer.logging.M3LoggingTracer
that just outputs trace information into SLF4J logs. This setting is useful for local testing or stubbing but not for production purposes.
See M3TracerFactory for more details of SDK loading mechanisms.
To use OpenCensus, don't forget to look at opencensus/README. You need to set sampling ratio explicitly.
Setup one or some of following integrations:
Load com.m3.tracing:spring-boot
It traces incoming HTTP requests, outgoing HTTP requests (with RestTemplate
) and so on.
See spring-boot/README.
Load com.m3.tracing:spring-web
See spring-web/README.
Load com.m3.tracing:serlvet
See servlet/README.
You can use com.m3.tracing:jdbc-p6spy
to capture SQLs via any JDBC driver.
See jdbc-p6spy/README.
You can use com.m3.tracing:apache-httpclient
to trace outgoing HTTP requests of Apache HttpClient.
You can create span (element of trace) explicitly as like as:
// note: If you are using framework integration, you might be able to use DI (e.g. `@Autowired Tracer` in spring-boot)
private static final Tracer tracer = M3TracerFactory.get();
void yourMethod() {
// You MUST close span to prevent memory leak.
// We recommend using try-with-resources (Java) or use (Kotlin).
try(TraceSpan span = tracer.startSpan("do_something")){
// ... do anything you want ...
span.set("name_of_tag", "foobarbaz"); // You can set tag to the Span
Also you can set custom tag to the span by Span#set(tagName, value)
If your application performs an operation over multiple threads (e.g. using Executor, Akka, ...), you need to propagate the tracing context across threads.
Although this library hides context propagation matters as possible as it can, you need to write a code like this:
private static final Tracer tracer = M3TracerFactory.get();
void yourMethod() {
// The parent thread should call getCurrentContext() before child thread's task.
final TraceContext traceContext = tracer.getCurrentContext();
executor.execute(() -> {
// In the child thread, use traceContext.startSpan() to start span in the same context as parent's one
try(TraceSpan span = traceContext.startSpan("do_something")){
// ... do something you want ...