Get network interface addresses with easy and simple interface in Python/Cython
ifaddr( iface:str, family:int, mask:bool ):list
Retrieve interface addresses.
:param iface: Interface name. Retrieve all interfaces by default.
:param family: Address family. Compatible with socket.AF_* constants. All families by default.
:param mask: Append mask. False by default
:return: List of strings or None if system call fails.
ether_aton( asc:str ):int
Get 64-bit integer representation of "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" formatted string of ethernet address.
:param asc: Ethernet address string.
:return: 64-bit integer representation.
ether_ntoa( addr:int ):str
Get "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" formatted string representation from 64-bit integer ethernet address.
:param addr: 64-bit integer representation.
:return: Ethernet address string.
from libifaddr import ifaddr, ether_ntoa, ether_aton
import socket
print( ifaddr() ) # All addresses, all AF, all interfaces
print( ifaddr("enp4s0") ) # All addresses for enp4s0 interface
print( ifaddr("enp4s0", socket.AF_INET, True) ) # All IPv4 addresses with masks
MAC = ifaddr("enp4s0", socket.AF_PACKET)[0]
print( MAC ) # MAC address of enp4s0
intMAC = ether_aton(MAC)
print( intMAC ) # Integer representation of the above MAC address
print( ether_ntoa(intMAC) ) # Restore string representation from integer
['0:0:0:0:0:0', '40:62:31:8:3a:d4', '', '', '::1', 'fe80::4262:31ff:fe08:3ad4']
['40:62:31:8:3a:d4', '', 'fe80::4262:31ff:fe08:3ad4']
I am aware of its existence. "libifaddr" was created mostly for internal use. I found "netifaces" too bloated for my project. It can be also used for educational purposes due to its extreme simplicity and advanced usage of Cython language features.