docker compose up -d
docker compose down
docker compose build
docker compose build --progress=plain
docker stats
#args> ct:commit text
git add .
git commit -m "$ct"
git push
#args> t:tag
git tag $t
git tag
git push origin $t
#args> t:tag
git tag --delete $t
git push origin :$t
#task> tar.gz:cp-licenses -- dst=linux_amd64
#task> tar.gz:cp-licenses -- dst=linux_arm64
#task> tar.gz:cp-licenses -- dst=win_amd64
cd sources
source ./mdtk/version.txt
tar -zcvf ../mdtk_bin_v${VERSION}_amd64.tar.gz ./mdtk_bin/linux_amd64
tar -zcvf ../mdtk_bin_v${VERSION}_arm64.tar.gz ./mdtk_bin/linux_arm64
zip -rq ../mdtk_bin_v${VERSION} ./mdtk_bin/win_amd64
echo 'run command: tar -zxvf ./mdtk_bin_VERSION_ARCH.tar.gz'
#args> dst: dst directory
sudo cp ./LICENSE ./sources/mdtk_bin/$dst/
sudo cp ./CREDITS ./sources/mdtk_bin/$dst/
#task> _install:make-linux-installer -- arch=amd64
#task> _install:make-linux-installer -- arch=arm64
#args> arch=(amd64|arm64)
echo "run command: sudo cp ./sources/mdtk_bin/linux_$arch/mdtk /usr/local/bin/mdtk"
echo 'create script'
mdtk _install install-linux --all-task --script -- arch=$arch > $filename
sudo chmod +x $filename
#args> arch=(amd64|arm64)
echo "Install mdtk (os: linux, arch: $arch)"
sudo cp ./sources/mdtk_bin/linux_$arch/mdtk /usr/local/bin/mdtk
If the task content is not clear and the description is not written outside the code block,
it is better to use the #desc>
notation for the task description.
This makes it easier to understand when displaying the preview.
#desc> Get mdtk binary size (linux amd64 arch)
cd ./sources/mdtk_bin/linux_amd64
ls -lh
mv -fi ./sources/CREDITS ./CREDITS