ESP Audio is an audio solution for any ESP32 based device, which fully intergrates BT, Wi-Fi, TF-card, External RAM, Music Encoder, Music Decoder, DLNA, Airplay (under developing), DuerOS, Tone, Playlist, Up-sampling, Smartconfig and Blufi all together.
ESP-Audio provides multiple features for users to develop their own audio project with ESP32 chip.
This document introduces the whole system of ESP-Audio.
Refer to ESP-Audio Design Guideline to learn bugs related to ESP32, memory system, peripheral issues, Wi-Fi awareness as well as hardware design guideline that users should know in an ESP32 audio project.
This section introduces how to set up the environment, initialize and build the ESP-Audio SDK.
ESP-IDF and related environments need to be set up to build the ESP-Audio SDK, generate binaries as well as make flash
Documents and hardware guides are available by following links.
Refer to the ESP-IDF README on github to set up the environment.
Refer to the ESP-IDF Programming Guide for more information about ESP-IDF system (including hardware and software).
Please pay attention to Partition Tables section.
This is where you could find flash tone and flash playlist as well as the OTA binaries.
This section describes how to initialize ESP-Audio system.
The general initialization is based on ESP-IDF menuconfig system.
The following sdkconfig options need to be set with make menuconfig
command, as they are particularly required by ESP-Audio.
If you want to skip setting these options, please refer to sdkconfig in /esp-audio-app directory.
- To enable BT audio, following options in "Component config -> Bluetooth" should be set:
Check BT Audio & Wi-Fi Audio section for details.
To enable Wi-Fi audio: If BT audio is not enabled, Wi-Fi audio will be automatically enabled.
Pay attention to Wi-Fi menuconfig options, once the PSRAM is in use, then the "Type of WiFi Tx Buffer" option must be set as "STATIC", and please be aware of that each static Tx and Rx buffer occupied 1.6KB internal RAM. If PSRAM is not used, then dynamic buffer should be selected to reduce internal RAM.
Check BT Audio & Wi-Fi Audio section for details.
To enable PSRAM (external RAM):
- Set SPIRAM_SUPPORT in "Component config -> ESP32-specific"
Tips for using PSRAM & RAM:
Callchar *buf = heap_caps_malloc(512, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT)
instead ofmalloc(512)
to use PSRAM, and callchar *buf = heap_caps_malloc(512, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT)
to use internal RAM.
Refer to "components/SystemSal/EspAudioAlloc.c"Refer to ESP-Audio Design Guideline for more details
To reduce internal RAM:
- Set all the static buffer to minimum value in "Component config -> Wi-Fi" if PSRAM is in use, if not then dynamic buffer should be selected
- Set CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE as 512 in "Component config -> Wear Levelling
The smaller the size of sector be, the slower the W /R speed will be, vice versa, but only 512 and 4096 are supported.- If PSRAM is used, then CONFIG_BT_ALLOCATION_FROM_SPIRAM_FIRST and CONFIG_BT_BLE_DYNAMIC_ENV_MEMORY should be set as "yes" to allocate some memory to PSRAM in order to save internal RAM, and only by this can BT audio and Wi-Fi audio coexsit with enough internal RAM
- If PSRAM is used, then CONFIG_WIFI_LWIP_ALLOCATION_FROM_SPIRAM_FIRST should be set as "yes" to allocate some memory to PSRAM in order to save internal RAM
Refer to "RAM system" section in ESP-Audio Design Guideline to learn the restriction of RAM system.
To enable FATFS:
- Choose a desirable OEM Code Pade and enable long filename in "Component config -> FAT Filesystem support"
To support other audio features:
- Select DLNA, OTA, Duer OS and etc. in "Component config -> ESP Audio App"
Follow comments in app_main.c to select desirable features.
Device Controller and Services are independent components, and any of them can be commented out to save RAM and to reduce binaries' size.
Refer to EspAudio.h to learn more about ESP-Audio APIs.
BT audio is completely integrated, which can connect to any BT supported device with bluetooth and play music of that device via ESP32. Music tone and other audio features are also available.
Wi-Fi audio can connect to a Wi-Fi router and play music online, supporting DLNA, AIRPLAY (under developing), Duer OS, Smartconfig and blufi.
By default, BT and Wi-Fi are independent of each other distinguished by CLASSIC_BT_ENABLED in sdkconfig. Setting CLASSIC_BT_ENABLED or not can generate two different binary files indicating BT audio or Wi-Fi audio, and the two different binaries are stored in two areas of flash which can be switched by APIs.
Users can also modify this project to support BT and Wi-Fi at the same time generating only one binary, however this requires much more RAM. Please refer to RAM Table for more details.
BT audio is based on A2DP and AVRCP bluetooth profile, and throw the audio data via EspAudioRawWrite()
To enable BT audio, please refer to Audio Sdkconfig section.
All the socket processes will be done automatically, thus it is very easy for users to play online music.
//users can play an online music by a single API
To enable Wi-Fi audio, please refer to Audio Sdkconfig section.
The uri must conform to a certain rule to be passed to EspAudioPlay()
and other occasions that need a correct rui.
Here is the quick usage demo in components/TerminalService/TerminalControlService.c, please refer to raw
prefix commands.
URI format: schem://[name_rate:code_rate@]host[:port][/path][#fragment]
http, https
for http stream readeri2s
for i2s stream reader, usually from MICadc
for adc stream reader, not supported yetfile
for TF-Card file reader
(optional)- http stream reader username and password
- or i2s sample rate and channel number
- http host name
- or i2s filename.extension, such as "record_0.wav"
: http port (optional)path
- http path
- i2s record output path (optional)
- for http output stream (defaut is i2s)
- for i2s output
"" play this wav via i2s
"file:///example.mp3" play this mp3 in TF-Card via i2s
"i2s://16000:1@record.wav:16#file" record the data from i2s and save as "record.wav" in TF-Card, and specify the i2s sample rate is 16K, 2 channels, 16bits
"i2s://16000:1@record.pcm#raw" record the data from i2s and save to buffer, which can be read by
"raw://from.pcm/to.pcm#i2s" play the data in buffer via i2s, calling
to play
Actually there is no difference between ESP-Audio-Tone and common music, but tone can automatically interrupt and resume music playing.
The sources of tone include TF-Card, http, flash.
If the tone files are stored in flash, then a special partition must be added into Partition Tables.
To generate tone binary file: Run /tools/ to generate a binary file and a header file (music files should be in the same directory)
The rule of music names should be like: 00_XXX.MP3, 01_XXX.WAV, 02_XXX.OGG, 03_XXX.MP3, ......
Add "flashTone, data, 0x04, 0x200000, 1M," into partition_xx.csv
The second param must be data, and the third param must be 0x04, other params are flexible
Playlist provides a cluster of URIs stored in TF-Card, Flash, RAM. Users can use EspAudioNext()
or EspAudioPrev()
to select one piece of music before call EspAudioPlay(NULL)
to play it. The play mode can be Sequential, One Repeating or Shuffle (random).
The flash playlist only works with a special partition in Partition Tables.
Add "flashUri, data, 0x05, , 0x1000" to the partition_*.csv
The second param must be data, and the third param must be 0x05, other params are flexible
Wi-Fi audio has a special components named smartconfig which provides an easy way to connect to a Wi-Fi router passing SSID and password via a mobile device.
Set ENABLE_SMART_CONFIG as "yes" in "Component config -> ESP Audio App" to enable Smartconfig, but incompatible with Blufi.
Refer to /components/DeviceController/WifiManager for details.
Download ESP-TOUCH APK for Android as well as IOS.
Similar to smartconfig, blufi also provides an easy way to connect to a Wi-Fi router passing SSID and password via a mobile device.
Set CONFIG_ENABLE_BLE_CONFIG as "yes" in "Component config -> ESP Audio App" to enable Blufi, but incompatible with smartconfig.
Refer to /components/DeviceController/WifiManager for details.
Download BluFi APK for Android as well as IOS.
ESP-Audio project uses external codec to output analog signal to speakers by default, and the driver codes are released and available in "/components/MediaHal/Driver" directory.
Two 8-bit DAC are integrated into ESP32 chip, so these two DAC can be used to output audio if external codec is not available and low-quality audio is acceptable.
Refer to "components/MediaHal/MediaHal.c" to learn how to enable i2s-DAC.
GPIO25 and GPIO26 are the immutable two IO of ADC output, GPIO25 and GND or GPIO26 and GND should be connected to a speaker.
All the log printed via UART serial interface is a special log system, where ESP_LOGI
will print green strings started with "I" indicating this is one piece of information while ESP_LOGW
will print yellow strings started with "W" indicating this is a warning, and ESP_LOGE
will print red strings started with "E" indicating this is an error.
"I (46999) I2S_STREAM: SLIENT": information form ESP_LOGI
"W (40404) SOFT_CODEC: CodecStop, have no codec instance,0x0": warning form ESP_LOGW
"E (40569) FLASH_STREAM: Lost flash tone header": error from ESP_LOGE
Pay attention to ESP_LOGE
log, because those may be fatal errors, but some errors show up just because these features are not selected and should not be taken seriously, for instance, "E (40569) FLASH_STREAM: Lost flash tone header" shows up because flash-tone partition table is not added, and this can be a "normal" error if flash-tone is not wanted.
If the TF-Card is in SDIO mode, then the JTAG Debugging can not be used becuase the GPIOs are not incompatible with SDIO, instead GDBStub can be used to support some gdb features via uart.
ESP32_LyraXX board has a selector to switch from SDIO to JTAG.
Refer to JTAG Debugging for more information including guideline on using gdb.
ESP32 Core Dump is to generate core dumps on unrecoverable software errors. This useful technique allows post-mortem analysis of software state at the moment of failure.
//following command can be used to analysis the core dump file named info_corefile
python $IDF_PATH/components/espcoredump/ info_corefile -t b64 -c coredump.txt build/esp32-audio-app.elf
JTAG or GDB is more recommended than Coredump.
Here is the table contains every component and its memory usage. Choose the components needed and find out how much internal RAM is left.
The Components RAM Table is divided into two parts when PSRAM is used or not.
The initial spare internal RAM is 290K.
Add all the RAM components needed, and the result is how much ram is needed all together.
Components | Extra RAM Needed |
Wi-Fi | 50KB+1 |
BT | 140KB (50KB if only BLE needed) |
TF-Card | 12KB+2 |
I2s | Configurable, 8KB for reference3 |
RingBuffer | Configurable, 30KB for reference4 |
DLNA | 35KB5 |
Playlist | 5KB |
Music RAM Table is different from the above one. Users only need to select the music needed and the maximum RAM among them is how much extra RAM is needed, because there is at most only one music playing at any time.
Music Type | Extra RAM Needed |
OPUS | - |
AAC, M4A | 136K(28KB)6 |
FLAC | 126KB |
MP3 | 52KB (41KB)7 |
WAV | 20KB |
OGG | 191KB |
AMR | 23KB |
If PSRAM (external RAM) is in use, then some of the memory will be allocated at PSRAM automatically.
Add all the RAM components needed, and the result is how much internal ram is needed all together.
Components | Extra Internal RAM Needed |
Wi-Fi | 50KB+1 |
BT | 95KB (50KB if only BLE needed) |
TF-Card | 10KB+2 |
I2s | Configurable, 8KB for reference3 |
RingBuffer | 0KB, all moved into PSRAM4 |
DLNA | 29KB5 |
Playlist | 5KB |
Music RAM Table is different from the above one. Users only need to select the music needed and the maximum RAM among them is how much extra RAM is needed, because there is at most only one music playing at any time.
Music Type | Extra Internal RAM Needed |
OPUS | 38KB |
AAC, M4A | 28KB |
FLAC | 11KB |
MP3 | 12KB |
WAV | 10KB |
OGG | 17KB |
AMR | 12KB |
According to the Wi-Fi menuconfig each Tx and Rx buffer occupy 1.6KB internal RAM. 50KB RAM is the result of this setting: 5 Rx static buffers and 6 Tx static buffers. If PSRAM is not in use, then the "Type of WiFi Tx Buffer" option should be set as "DYNAMIC" in order to save RAM, in this case, the RAM usage will be far less than 50KB, but users should think of that 50KB, at least, is always needed in case the Wi-Fi is transmitting chunks of data. [Internal RAM only] ↩ ↩2
Basically according to the
param insd_card_mount()
function, the RAM needed will increase with a greater number of max_files. 12KB is the RAM needed with 5 max files and 512 bytes CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE. [Internal RAM only] ↩ ↩2 -
According to the I2S configuration, refer to
in MediaHal.c. [Internal RAM only] ↩ ↩2 -
According to the Ringbuffer configuration refer to
in MediaHal.c ↩ ↩2 -
35KB doesn't include the RAM needed when playing a music. For example, it will need extra 52KB when playing MP3. ↩ ↩2
AAC and M4A use the same decoder library. There is a very special aac, m4a library that only needs 28KB RAM while decoding, but at the expense of dropping SBR and PS components of some high quality aac, m4a music. This quality loss is usually acceptable and even can not be discovered. The high efficient aac, m4a library that only uses 28KB RAM is located at /tools/Performance Codec Library/aac m4a/libesp-fdk.a, replace the one in components/esp-codec-lib/lib if the RAM and the efficiency is prior to quality. (Currently users don't have to do this because the high-efficiency version is used by default) ↩
There is a special mp3 library that only needs 41KB RAM at the expense of decoding only one mp3 channle, despite there may be two channles. This library is located at /tools/Performance Codec Library/mp3/libesp-stagefright-mono.a, rename it to libesp-stagefright.a and replace the one in components/esp-codec-lib/lib as well as the header file named StageFrightMp3Decoder.h. ↩