Update to ORIGAMI-ANALYSE (1.0.5)
What changed in ORIGAMIANALYSE :
This will be the last update for a little while (unless I find a big bug that needs fixing) as I need to focus on some other work for a couple of weeks. Let me know if you spot anything that I might have not.
Fixes in v1.0.5:
- [CRITICAL] Fixed an issue when you tried processing 2D datasets (i.e. smoothing or normalizing).
- Fixed an issue where you could not open more than one manual CIU document
- Fixed an issue where you could not assign name or any header/footer information to items in the Interactive Panel
Improvements in v1.0.5:
- Changed a couple of labels and layout in the GUI
- The file list will now be automatically sorted by energy (and document name) when dealing with manual CIU datasets
New in v1.0.5:
- Added support for colorbars in the Interactive Panel (hidden under Interactive Panel --> Properties --> Colorbar properties)
- Added better controls for adjusting figure and border controls in Interactive Panel
- You can open the User Guide internally as PDF (wow!)
Known issues:
- The DT-IMS panel still lacks a lot of functions
- The 3D plot can be improved a lot, just need a bit of time to tinker!
- The GUI needs some restructuring
- When zooming-in and the mouse cursor goes outside of the plot axes, the zoom tools get locked-up - kind of annoying
Annoyingly, as I was working on this version I have updated a couple of the packages ORIGAMI relies on, meaning that some previously saved documents might not open... It is rather regretful! The ones affected would be those including links to 'Multiple MassLynx files' or 'CCS calibration files' as they contain a certain data structure that has changed. I will try to prevent that from happening in the future...
There have been no changes to ORIGAMIMS, so please download it from release 1.0.1.
Video tutorials:
A couple of videos is available on YouTube. Will try to add more in future.
Small changes have been made to the guide, although it still lacks description for all features. I will try to get it up to date in the next couple of weeks (months?).
How to update
Because of the package changes, to update ORIGAMI, you will have to download the ORIGAMI_ANALYSE_v1.0.5.zip file, unpack it somewhere on your PC and you should be good to go! :-)
As you might notice, the size of the directory increased quite a bit, it is about 500 Mb when unpacked.