Just to note every change that was made since the plugin's release.
If you want to see every function that the plugin has, read the [README](../README.md) file;
- Plugin Release
- Added one CVAR: zr_rank_maxplayers_top (Default: 50) - Max number of players that are shown in the top commands
- Changed sm_top command. Now you can set the limit (maximum value is set by the zr_rank_maxplayers_top command) of top players in this command.
- Now you can use like this: sm_top NUMBER (if you don't add a number, it will set 10 by default).
- Added sm_topzkills command! It shows the top players list order by Zombie Kills;
- Added sm_topihuman command! It shows the top players list order by Infected Humans;
- Cleaned a lot of useless code;
- Added an API so that developers can make another plugins related to this plugin! Natives added:
- ZR_Rank_GetPoints - It will return the number of points that a player has;
- ZR_Rank_SetPoints - It will set the number of points that you want, on a player;
- Added a CVAR: zr_rank_minplayers (Default: 4) - It set the minimum players that it's needed to get or lose points when you are infected/killed;
- Added a CVAR: zr_rank_beinginfected (Default: 1) - It set the number of points that you lose when you get infected by a zombie;
- Added a CVAR: zr_rank_beingkilled (Default: 1) - It set the number of points that you lose when you are killed by a human;
- Added a Sub-plugin: [ZR Rank] Connect Message which shows a message when a player connects. It has the following CVARs:
- zr_rank_connectmessage_type (Default: 1) - Type of HUD that you want to use in the connect message (0 = Disable, 1 = HintText, 2 = CenterText, 3 = Chat, 4 = HudText);
- zr_rank_connectmessage_hudtext_red (Default: 255) - RGB Code for the Red Color used in the HudText ("zr_rank_connectmessage_type" needs to be set on 4);
- zr_rank_connectmessage_hudtext_green (Default: 255) - RGB Code for the Green Color used in the HudText ("zr_rank_connectmessage_type" needs to be set on 4);
- zr_rank_connectmessage_hudtext_blue (Default: 255) - RGB Code for the Blue Color used in the HudText ("zr_rank_connectmessage_type" needs to be set on 4);
- Fixed a bug when a zombie is killed by a human and doesn't lose points;
- Fixed a bug with the Zombie Kills and Human Infects. Now it checks perfectly;
- Added two more natives:
- ZR_Rank_GetZombieKills -> Returns the number of a client's Zombie Kills;
- ZR_Rank_GetHumanInfects -> Returns the number of a client's Human Infections;
- Merged Agent Wesker's Pull Request with the master repository;
- Fixed some minor bugs;
- Added translations (English and Portuguese);
- Added a new CVAR: zr_rank_prefix (Default: [{purple}ZR Rank{default}]) -> Changes every chat's plugin;
- Added a new CVAR: zr_rank_allow_warmup (Default: 0) -> Allow players to get or lose points during warmup;
- Fixed some bugs related to the warmup checker;
- Added a new CVAR: zr_rank_suicide (Default: 0) - How many points a player lose when he suicides.
- Added a new CVAR: zr_rank_roundwin_human (Default: 1) - How many points a player gets when wins the round as an human;
- Added a new CVAR: zr_rank_roundwin_zombie (Default: 1) - How many points a player gets when wins the round as a zombie;
- Added a new Command: sm_humanwins - Show the Top Players List, order by Round Wins as Human;
- Added a new Command: sm_zombiewins - Show the Top Players List, order by Round Wins as Zombie;
- Added a new native: ZR_Rank_GetRoundWins_Human - It returns a number of Round Wins as Human of a player
- Added a new native: ZR_Rank_GetRoundWins_Zombie - It returns a number of Round Wins as Zombie of a player
- Renamed the command sm_topzkills to sm_topkills;
- Renamed the command sm_topihumans to sm_topinfects;
- Added support for Zombie Plague (Not sure if it works 100%, only in theory);
Added a new Command: sm_mystats - Show every stat that the player has in the database;
Added a new Command: sm_resetmyrank - It lets a player delete his rank by himself;
Added a new Native: ZR_Rank_ResetPlayer -> It resets the data of a certain player;
Besides Console Commands now it hooks the same commands in chat (Ex: Instead of "!rank", you can write "rank" as well, only works currently for "rank" and "mystats");
Added a new CVAR: zr_rank_inactive_days (Default: 30) - It resets a player database when he is not connected from at least X days;
Added a message when a player joins the server and reaches the minimum of players to enable the rank;
Added a message when a player leaves the server and it reaches a value less than the minimum of players to enable the rank;
Now it doesn't give points when humans or zombies win the round, if the server doesn't have the minimum players set by the CVAR zr_rank_minplayers;