This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.6 with node 16.10.0.
Link for backend project.
Enter a valid Google key for Google Maps to work:
environments.ts file: googleMapsKey='YOUR_KEY'
Run this command to install this project's dependencies:
$ npm install
Run the following command to start json-server and angular project:
$ npm start
When starting the project, the map will display the Zoobotanical region of Brusque - SC with some markers indicating the locations of the animals and other points.
In the top-left corner of the side menu, there is an option called Marcadores
that navigates the website to a page with all registered markers, where you can add, edit, and delete records.
Clicking on Adicionar
or editing (using the pencil icon) will navigate the website to a page where the operation can be performed.
This is it!