--- Post open-sourcing (to prioritise)
- Improve test coverage
- Add doxygen-style comments
- Decuple UI from Engine (THE SPLIT)
- Introduce mocks for AudioContext & Web Audio APIs
--- Refactoring
- Rename ComboBox component to something better (SearchBox? PanelCreator? PanelSelector?)
- Extract everything that can be extracted from panel factories
--- System integration
- Main menu' commands
- new
- save
- save as
- open
- import (loads file without wiping workarea)
- Ask for confirmation before replacing current document in "new" and "open" actions
- Ask for confirmation before overriding an existing file in "save as" action
- Settings page
- Plugin system
- Add lateral scrolling to toolbar to be able to reach out-of-screen items
- Main-thread service framework to avoid squashing everything into electron.js
--- Engine
THE SPLIT: Separate the execution code (the engine) from the rendering code (the react frontend)
- Create a separate API daemon that can receive and process requests from the Electron app
- Modify UI to work with API
- Integrate CLI with API
- The engine should take a representation of the network and a representation of the current state and store them
- Once the state is set, it can be updated at any time
- The engine can be queried for the next step, in which case it should execute one iteration and respond with the updated state
- The engine should carry out any side effect
- Make a CLI that can use the engine daemon to run a network in an headless way
- Add types of connectors that can only transmit when in play
- Transform all panel types to work on the engine
Stepper-type panels or endpoints or connections, still not sure which
Explicitly handle the "null/undefined" value in a more organic way
Needs more orthogonality: possibility to set both inputs and outputs from execute or onPulse, etc
Actual panels
- VIDEO: Extract frame
- VIDEO: Resize
- VIDEO: Create from images
- IMAGE: Image group
- FLOW: Timeline (place events on a timeline and on play it will start triggering Pulses on the various eps
- Web Audio nodes (experimental)
- Mic input
- Save audio
- Panner
- Channel Merger
- Channel Splitter
- Filter
- Convolver
- Gain
- Integrate SamplePlay into SampleLoad
- AudioOut: sink to which to connect sound producers
- SampleLoad: load a sample
- SamplePlay: config of a sample (loop etc)
- Oscillator: play a frequency
- P5.js integration
- IMAGE: Transform (4 points)
- IMAGE: Threshold
- Add features to manipulate channels
- 3d and vector graphics integration?
- Three.js integration
- Add turbulence input to generators
- TILES: Tile
- IMAGE: Path
- IMAGE: Shape / Polygon
- IMAGE: Polyline
- IMAGE: Pixelate
- IMAGE: Mix?
- IMAGE: Crop
- IMAGE: Move
- HASHES: Hash functions
- Md5
- Sha1
- ALGEBRA: Unify scalar and dot product in a single panel
- SOURCE: Glob
- FLOW: For: (from:Value + to:Value + step:Value + Pulse -> Pulse + Pulse + Value) expose index variable and emit "execute" every loop until "exit"
- ?????: (Value + Value -> Value) Date formatter according to pattern and separator
- INPUTS: File info
- Envelope visualizer (multi-input pin with value for each? Not sure)
- TEXTURES: Noise generators
- Gaussian noise
- Simplex noise (take w/h + seed)
- Anisotropic noise
- Posterize
- Contrast
- Brightness
- Saturation
- Hue
- Lighten
- Darken
- Fade
- TEXTURES: Add different types of generators
- IMAGE: Stripes
- IMAGE: Checkers
- IMAGE: Rings
- IMAGE: Unary Operators
- [~] IMAGE: Canny
- IMAGE: Invert colors
- IMAGE: FlipX
- IMAGE: FlipY
- IMAGE: Grey
- IMAGE: Sepia
- IMAGE: Blend Modes
- Dissolve
- Darker Color
- Lighter Color
- Hue
- Saturation
- Color
- Luminosity
- Darken
- Multiply
- Color Burn
- Linear Burn
- Lighten
- Screen
- Color Dodge
- Linear Dodge
- Overlay
- Soft Light
- Vivid Light
- Hard Light
- Linear Light
- Pin Light
- Hard Mix
- Difference
- Exclusion
- Subtract
- Divide
- Stdin/Stdout/Stderr
- Stdin
- Stderr?
- Stdout
- Operations with Arrays/Collections? How? What about objects? They are certainly needed for api calls etc
- Basic Array panel (List)
- Add Pop, Shift, Unshift pins
- Merge
- Intersection
- Unique (Distinct)
- Basic Object panel (Dictionary)
- Basic Array panel (List)
- Color ramp
- IMAGE: ImageSave
- IMAGE: Heightmap
- TEXTURES: Gradient
- Linear Gradient
- Circular Gradient
- Hex2HSL introduce tinycolor
- TEXTURES: Add angle to patterns
- TEXTURES: Linear Gradient
- INPUTS: Gradient Picker
- Introduce tinycolor in components with hex input
- IMAGE: Resize
- IMAGE: Combine Channels
- IMAGE: Replace Dilate and Erode with Morphology Operators
- Dilate
- Erode
- Open
- Close
- Black Hat
- Top Hat
- IMAGE: Text
- IMAGE: Erode
- IMAGE: Dilate
- IMAGE: CopyImage
- IMAGE: Rescale
- IMAGE: Create Empty Image (take w/h + background color, default transparent)
- IMAGE: Get Channel
- IMAGE: Rotate
- IMAGE: Gaussian blur
- IMAGE: imageView must have checkered background
- IMAGE: imageView wrong panel size on first image load
- IMAGE: Convolution
- INPUT: Folder path
- Add explicit support for different object types
- Represent Matrices in TextView
- Represent Matrices in DisplayLogger
- Represent Matrices in FileLogger
- ALGEBRA: Matrix summation
- ALGEBRA: Normalize matrix
- ALGEBRA: Matrix multiplication
- ALGEBRA: Matrix
- INPUT: time selector
- INPUT: date selector
- SET: item by item array
- FLOW: All: (multiple Pulses -> single Pulse) waits for a pulse on each of the inputs and then sends a pulse through the output
- TRANSFORMS: Date/time to Timestamp
- TRANSFORMS: Timestamp to Date/time
- ALGEBRA: Threshold: (Value -> Value) sets outputs (High, Equal, Low) to true depending on whether first input is <=> than second
- INPUT: Toggle: (UI -> Value) set output to true or false depending on toggle
- BASIC: Counter: (Pulse -> Value) count pulses (also has a Reset pin)
- BASIC: Memory: (Pulse + Value -> Value) store content of value input when it receives a pulse
- INPUT: Button: (UI -> Pulse) send a pulse when user presses button
- FLOW: If: (Value -> Pulse) send pulse along Then or Else branches based on value of expression
- FLOW: Delta: (Value -> Pulse) send a pulse when input changes
- OUTPUT: Semaphore: (Value -> UI) turn on a led if the value is non-null, red or green depending on truthy value
- OUTPUT: Logfile: (Value + Pulse -> OS) append message to file
- INPUT: Deviator: (Value + Value -> Value) The output to 1 of N inputs based on the value of another input
- FLOW: Delay: (Pulse -> X secs -> Pulse)
- EVENTS: Clock: (every X secs -> Pulse)
- INPUT: Color Picker
- INPUT: Knob with inputs for min, max, and step
- INPUT: Range with inputs for min, max, and step
- OUTPUT: Logger: (a more complex mix of Display and LogFile that keeps N lines of text and adds a new line upon receiving a Pulse)
- OUTPUT: Led: Similar to Semaphore but with color input
- SOURCES: (Pulse -> Value) Fetch Current Date
- SOURCES: (Pulse -> Value) Fetch Current Time
- SOURCES: (Pulse -> Value) Fetch Random number between 0 and 1
- SOURCES: (Pulse -> Value) Fetch Current timestamp
- SOURCES: Text file, line by line
- FLOW: Gate (pass transistor)
- OUTPUTS: Color view
- EVENTS: Emit on file change
- EVENTS: Socket: socket listener, together with CLI tool to connect and send messages
- EVENTS: Accumulator
Can we introduce jimp as well? Is it interoperable with image-js? what would it add?
Introduce Pulse-type signals
Introduce Sources panel palette
-- UI
- Grouped panels should be surrounded by an outline
- Grouped panels can be hidden and replaced by a placeholder?
- Change editable property to become "editor" and change it from boolean to text where you specify the type of editor
- Choose which eps to make editable
- Make the context menu and combo box coordinates window-sensitive
- Make width of collapsed panel a constant (currently the magic number 120)
- Make magic numbers become constants
- Make endpoint section in the panels collapsible
- Editable eps' names have dotted underlining when connected
- Editable eps should close on enter
- Add scale input ep (editable) to range panel
- Add scale input ep (editable) to knob panel
- Pulling a connection from an endpoint to the workarea opens Panel search
- Panel search is constrained by the initial endpoint being an input or output endpoint
- Panel search is constrained by signal and type of the initial endpoint
- Make selected panels get closer or farther away by rolling the scroller
- Add tags to all panels
- Double clicking on the workarea opens Panel search
- Autofocus search box
- Implement Panel Search box
- [~] Move all visual state from panels to panelCoords
- width and height, minWidth and minHeight
- resizer
- Review css of ep inline editor
- Setting default values for primitive endpoints inline
- Double clicking on title of panel to collapse a panel completely
- Make Connector component require coordinates rather than elements, so that the logic can be made more flexible
- Expose signal of endpoint throught color
- Introduce white halo around focused panel
- Lock children (and/or Lock parents?) of a panel OR lock selected panels so they always move together
- Unlock a panel that had been locked with others
- Expose type of endpoint throught symbols/letters
- Expose type of endpoint in tooltip
- Make background of text input panel darker
- Introduce window manager
--- Bugs / Performance
select exclusive seems to select anything that is to the left of the selected area if the panel is vertically included
Review all components and apply change guards (don't process if inputs have not changed)
Introduce ndarray module in matrices etc.
State management seems to be the main bottleneck, general simplification of the state management seems to be necessary
- Try transforming the "tuning" variables into local component state variables, so that they only redraw the component
- Try reducing actual panel state to a single "redraw" property to be set to a random value when we want to update the component, the rest of the state can stay in a non-state array
Maintain and use endpoint offsets relative to panel position (only rely on screen state when updating the offsets)
Dilate and Erode block the UI while being applied?
Disallow Value-type signals from creating feedback loops
Sanitize topic input to listener (how?)
Stalls when trying to rewind file source from EOF signal without a delay
Values don't seem to propagate correctly when creating a panel from an endpoint
Window resize causes slowdown and stalling --- PROBABLY FIXED
Only render panels in view
Consider ways of reducing number of connections shown (bounding box overlapping view?)
Connectors losing contact with panels
Stopping clock connected to dice makes dice output go undefined
Deletion of panels must affect also panelCoords
Save-files should include position of viewport
Crash when deleting multiple panels
Crash when I pause with the Controls button
WatchFile panel should remove and replace watcher behind the scenes when file name changes, just like the Listener panel does
--- QA
- Fix issue with tests
- Improve test coverage
--- Context menu
- Disconnect panel -> removes all connections
- Duplicate panel -> creates an clone of the panel
- Find origin -> moves view to --middle of the graph-- NO: it moves you back to [0, 0]
- "Delete panel" becomes "Delete panels" when used on selected panel
- Group/Ungroup panels: grouped panels move together
If possible decouple UI panels from Pulse-activated panels
When having a UI panel that also has Pulse-type inputs pins, the two avenues of activation may end up overwriting each other's outputs causing bugs