This project highlights the public city parks in the Seattle area.
As our population grows, the government is making more room for more homes to be built, leaving less room for nature and public parks. However, leaving such land untouched is important because they provide environmental, aesthetic, economic and recreational benefits to our city. They also enhance property values, increase municipal revenue, bring in homebuyers and workers, and attract retirees. Studies show that city parks increase health and social connection as well. Therefore, it is not only beneficial to our environment but also to us as well. The goal of this project is to locate the remaining city parks in the Seattle area to give us a better idea of how much area is dedicated to parks compared to how much is built into other things such as roads, houses, malls, etc.
Parks in King County (GIS Open Data)
- mapbox gl js
- github
This project was created by Lucretia Chen for GEOG 495 Autumn quarter at UW. Her instructor is professor Bo Zhao and her TA is Xiaoqi Bao. Thank you for reading.