IPython Magics for rendering TeX/TikZ in Jupyter Notebooks
Documentation | Getting Started notebook
Jupyter-TikZ is a Python (3.10+) and IPython Magics library. However, in order for Jupyter-TikZ to work properly, some non-Python dependencies need to be installed first:
- LaTeX
- Poppler
LaTeX must be installed using one of the following distributions:
You can test if a LaTeX distribution is installed by using the following command:
pdflatex --version
This application requires Poppler's pdftocairo
. You must install it beforehand.
conda install -c conda-forge poppler
Download Poppler for Windows here. You must add the bin
folder to your PATH.
Most distributions come with pdftocairo
. If it is not installed, refer to your package manager to install poppler-utils
Install using brew
brew install poppler
Finally, you can check if the pdftocairo
utility is installed by using the following command in your terminal:
pdftocairo -v
Alternatively, if you are facing issues, you can configure the pdftocairo
location (exclusive for use in jupyter_tikz
) by setting the environment variable JUPYTER_TIKZ_PDFTOCAIROPATH
import os
custom_pdftocairo_path = os.path.join(
os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "Poppler", "Library", "bin", "pdftocairo.exe"
os.environ["JUPYTER_TIKZ_PDFTOCAIROPATH"] = custom_pdftocairo_path
You can install jupyter-tikz
by using the following command in your terminal:
pip install jupyter-tikz
If you are using Jupyter Lab 4. You can add LaTeX highlight to %%tikz
magic cells by using JupyterLab-lsp and editing this part of the code in JupyterLab-lsp in the file extractor.ts
new RegExpForeignCodeExtractor({
language: 'latex',
pattern: '^%%(latex|tikz)( .*?)?\n([^]*)', // Add tikz support to this line
foreignCaptureGroups: [3],
isStandalone: false,
fileExtension: 'tex'
Now, you will have LaTeX syntax code highlighting for %%tikz
magic cells, as demonstrated below:
For more information refer to this link.
To begin, load the jupyter_tikz
%load_ext jupyter_tikz
Use it as cell magic, it executes the TeX/TikZ code within the cell:
\draw[help lines] grid (5, 5);
\draw[fill=black!10] (1, 1) rectangle (2, 2);
\draw[fill=black!10] (2, 1) rectangle (3, 2);
\draw[fill=black!10] (3, 1) rectangle (4, 2);
\draw[fill=black!10] (3, 2) rectangle (4, 3);
\draw[fill=black!10] (2, 3) rectangle (3, 4);
Or use it as line magic, where the TeX/TikZ code is passed as an IPython string variable:
%tikz "$ipython_string_variable_with_code"
Additional options can be passed to the magic command:
%%tikz -i -t=pgfplots -nt -S=docs/assets/quadratic -r --dpi=150
ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 + 4$}
\addplot [red] {x^2 + 4};
Going further, it is also possible to use it as a Python package:
from jupyter_tikz import TexFragment
tikz_code = tex_template_code = r"""\begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[help lines] grid (5, 5);
\filldraw [color=orange, opacity=0.3] (2.5,2.5) circle (1.5);
tikz = TexFragment(tikz_code) # Create the tex template object
tikz.run_latex() # Run LaTeX and shows the output
All additional options are listed below:
Argument | Description |
-as=<str> --input-type=<str> |
Type of the input. Possible values are: full-document , standalone-document and tikzpicture .Example: -as=full-document .Defaults to -as=standalone-document . |
-i --implicit-pic |
Alias for -as=tikzpicture . |
-f --full-document |
Alias for -as=full-document . |
-p=<str> --latex-preamble=<str> |
LaTeX preamble to insert before the document. Example: -p "$preamble" , with the preamble being an IPython variable.Defaults to None. |
-t=<str> --tex-packages=<str> |
Comma-separated list of TeX packages. Example: -t=amsfonts,amsmath .Defaults to None. |
-nt --no-tikz |
Force to not import the TikZ package. |
-l=<str> --tikz-libraries=<str> |
Comma-separated list of TikZ libraries. Example: -l=calc,arrows .Defaults to None. |
-lp=<str> --pgfplots-libraries=<str> |
Comma-separated list of pgfplots libraries. Example: -pl=groupplots,external .Defaults to None. |
-nj --no-jinja |
Disable Jinja2 rendering. |
-pj --print-jinja |
Print the rendered Jinja2 template. |
-pt --print-tex |
Print the full LaTeX document. |
-sc=<float> --scale=<float> |
The scale factor to apply to the TikZ diagram. Example: -sc=0.5 .Defaults to -sc=1.0 . |
-r --rasterize |
Output a rasterized image (PNG) instead of SVG. |
-d=<int> --dpi=<int> |
DPI to use when rasterizing the image. Example: --dpi=300 .Defaults to -d=96 . |
-g --gray |
Set grayscale to the rasterized image. |
-e --full-err |
Print the full error message when an error occurs. |
-k --keep-temp |
Keep temporary files. |
-tp=<str> --tex-program=<str> |
TeX program to use for compilation. Example: -tp=xelatex or -tp=lualatex .Defaults to -tp=pdflatex . |
-ta=<str> --tex-args=<str> |
Arguments to pass to the TeX program. Example: -ta "$tex_args_ipython_variable" .Defaults to None. |
-nc --no-compile |
Do not compile the TeX code. |
-s=<str> --save-tikz=<str> |
Save the TikZ code to file. Example: -s filename.tikz .Defaults to None. |
-st=<str> --save-tex=<str> |
Save full LaTeX code to file. Example: -st filename.tex .Defaults to None. |
-sp=<str> --save-pdf=<str> |
Save PDF file. Example: -sp filename.pdf .Defaults to None. |
-S=<str> --save-image=<str> |
Save the output image to file. Example: -S filename.png .Defaults to None. |
-sv=<str> --save-var=<str> |
Save the TikZ or LaTeX code to an IPython variable. Example: -sv my_var .Defaults to None. |
Contributions are welcome from everyone! Whether you're reporting bugs, submitting feedback, or actively improving the codebase, your involvement is valuable. Here's how you can contribute:
- If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please report them using the issues page.
- If you're interested in developing the software further, please refer to development guide.
All notable changes to this project are presented below.
✨ Improvements
- Docs: Added troubleshooting section to the Usage Guide.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Removed quotation marks when using
arg "$var"
(e.g.,-p "$preamble"
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Docs: Removed the Jinja2 subsection from the README.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Docs: Fixed Jinja section in
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Docs: Fixed internal links in
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Docs: Minor fix in changelog.
🚨 Breaking Changes
- Significant changes to Jinja2 rendering:
- Replaced the default Jinja2 syntax with a custom one to avoid clashes with LaTeX braces (
). Please refer to the documentation for more details. - With the new syntax, conflicts with LaTeX are significantly reduced, thus Jinja2 is now enabled by default and has become a mandatory dependency.
- Added a
flag to allow optional disabling of Jinja2 rendering.
- Replaced the default Jinja2 syntax with a custom one to avoid clashes with LaTeX braces (
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Doc: Fixed social cards image links.
✨ Improvements
- Switched temporary file names to MD5 hashing for deterministic hashes.
🚀 Features
- Doc: Support to social cards (Twitter and Facebook OG).
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed indentation in
. - Fixed docs issues.
🚀 Features
- Added support for PGFPlots with external data files.
- Introduced a new flag (
) to retain LaTeX temporary files. - Added support for grayscale output in rasterized mode.
- Introduced new flags
to save the TikZ and PDF files respectively;--save-tex
now explicitly saves the full LaTeX document.
🚨 Breaking Changes
- Modified the save functionality: Options must now be passed in
is no longer used. - LaTeX rendering is now performed in the current folder, moving away from the use of a temporary directory (
). This change facilitates access to external files for PGFPlots.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Improved documentation visibility on mobile devices.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed DOCs links.
🚀 Features
- Web documentation.
- Flag (
) to print the full LaTeX document. - UTF-8 support.
- Added support for Python 3.10.
🚨 Breaking Changes
- Replaced
still working as aliases. - Changed the
flag to--use-jinja
. - Reworked the API to an object-oriented approach.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Minor adjustments in the README and Getting Started Notebook.
🚀 Features
- Option to save output code to an IPython variable (
). - Flag (
) to prevent LaTeX compilation and image rendering. - Support for LaTeX
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Minor fixes in README.
🚀 Features
- Added PyPI badge.
- First version released on PyPI.
I had been using ITikZ for years. However, it doesn't update often and relies on the outdated pdf2svg
for converting PDFs to images, which causes problems in Windows environments. Inspired by ITikZ and IPython TikZ Magic, I decided to create my own package, adding new features such as support for preambles, new Jinja syntax, and the ability to save the LaTeX result to IPython variables. I also switched from pdf2svg
to Poppler, which works perfectly on all plataforms, including Windows.
Copyright 2024 © Lucas Lima Rodrigues.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License, Jupyter-TikZ is free and open-source software.