Node.js (v14+ recommended) npm or yarn
You have a with all the variables. You can modify if you need
Clone the repo
git clone
Install NPM packages
npm install
npm run start:dev
- First use: An admin will be created.
- A list of initial pokemons will be upload automatically for this admin
- How to authenticate:
curl http://localhost:3000/api/auth/login body: { "username": "admin", "password": "Admin2121!" }
A Postman collection is also provided in the postman folder.
Swagger documentation is available at: http://localhost:3000/api/docs
The application is deployed at:
Swagger documentation for the deployed application:
- Create a new card
- Update an existing card Retrieve a specific card (including its weaknesses and resistances)
- Retrieve all cards
- Delete a card
- Simulate a battle
- Store images using AWS S3. If no image is selected when creating a card, a default image will be assigned.
- User authentication
- Apply filters
- Pagination
- Deployed on Railway