This is a personal project of a RESTFul API relying on Python Flask framework and used to manage a small business of cosmetic products.
The API is started by running the commands below in a Bash or in the command prompt. They firstly create a virtual environment, install all project dependencies on it and then run the application. The API runs in http://localhost:5000/.
For Linux/MAC:
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
For Windows:
virtualenv venv
. venv/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
METHOD | Endpoint | Description | Header? |
GET | /raw_materials | Returns all raw materias stored in the database. | N/A |
POST | /raw_material | Creates a new raw material entry in the database. | N/A |
PUT | /raw_material | Updates a specific raw material entry in the database. | Content-type = application/JSON |
DEL | /raw_material | Removes a specific raw material entry from the database. | Content-type = application/JSON |
Example of body (POST / PUT):
"description": "corante",
"package_price": 30,
"package_amt": 100,
"unit_material": "mL"
Example of body (DEL):
{"description": "corante"}
METHOD | Endpoint | Description | Header? |
GET | /recipes | Returns all recipes stored in the database. | N/A |
POST | /recipe/int:recipe_id | Creates a new recipe entry in the database. | Content-type = application/JSON |
PUT | /recipe | Updates a specific recipe entry in the database. | Content-type = application/JSON |
DEL | /recipe | Removes a specific recipe entry from the database. | Content-type = application/JSON |
Example of body (POST / PUT):
"description": "Sabonete cheiroso",
"labor_cost": 5,
"supply_cost": 15
Example of body (DEL):
{"description": "Sabonete espetacular"}