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File metadata and controls

125 lines (90 loc) · 5.16 KB

What is SerAPI?

Is a library plus a set of "toplevels" aimed to improve the communication of third party tools with Coq.

How mature is SerAPI?

SerAPI has extremely experimental status, and there are no protocol stability guarantees. In fact, the protocol is expected to evolve.

Which Coq versions does SerAPI support?

At the moment, Coq 8.8 is the current supported version for the current protocol. Older versions (8.6/8.7) should work however the protocol will differ. SerAPI is thus only suitable for developers willing to use up-to-date Coq versions. This will change in the future once the project stabilizes.

How can I install SerAPI?

The supported way is to use the OPAM package manager. The .travis.yml file contains up to date install instructions if you want to build SerAPI manually, see also the build instructions file.

SerAPI hangs with inputs larger than 4096 characters:

This is due to a historical limitation of the UNIX/Linux TTY API. See #38. If you communicate with SerAPI using a pipe this shouldn't be a problem. Alternatively, you can use the ReadFile experimental command.

I get error "Cannot link ml-object ..."

Your OCaml path is not properly setup, see build instructions for more help.

Can SerAPI produce .vo files?

Yes, see sercomp --help

How does SerAPI compare to TCoq

TCoq provides some support for exporting Coq structures; the main differences with SerAPI is that SerAPI works against stock Coq and is maintained; it also provides a faithful, automatically generated printers.

A more detailed comparison is needed, in particular TCoq does provide some hooks that insert themselves in the proof execution, it is not clear that SerAPI can provide that.

Can SerAPI evaluate a document incrementally?

Yes, by using Coq's capabilities to that effect. Just issue the proper (Cancel ...) (Add ... ...) sequence to simulate an update. This is limited now to prefix-only incremental evaluation. It will be improved in the future.

Does SerAPI support asynchronous proof processing?

Yes, it does. Note however that asynchronous proof processing is still in experimental status upstream. In particular, there are some issues on Windows, and EditAt may be inconvenient to use. We recommend not using EditAt and instead using the less powerful Cancel for now.

Does SerAPI support Coq's command line flags:

We support only a limited set of coqtop command line flags, in particular -R and -Q for setting library paths. Unfortunately, due to our command line parsing library, the format is slightly different. See sertop --help for a comprehensive list of flags.

SerAPI aims to be "command line flag free", with all the options for each document passed in the document creation call, so this will be the preferred method.

What does SerAPI expose?

SerAPI exposes all core Coq datatypes. Tactics, AST, kernel terms and types are all serialized. SerAPI also provide an API to manipulate and query "Coq documents".

How many ASTs does Coq have?

That's a very interesting question! The right answer is: countably many!

Logician jokes aside, the truth is that Coq features an extensible AST. While this gives great power to plugins, it means that consumers of the AST need to design their tools to support an open AST.

Coq's core parsing AST is called vernac_expr. This type represents the so-called "Coq vernaculars". Plugins can extend the "vernacular", so you should be prepared to handle arbitrary content under the VernacExtend constructor. Such arbitrary content is called in Coq terminology "generic arguments".

Interpretation and Terms

After parsing, a term will undergo two elaboration phases before it will reach "kernel" form. The top-level parsing type for terms is constr_expr, which is then internalized to a glob_constr. This process will perform:

  • Name resolution. Example λ x : nat. x is resolved to λ (x: Init.nat), Var 1 [using debruijn for bound variables].
  • Notation interpretation. For example, a + b is desugared to Nat.add a b.
  • Implicit argument resolution. For example fst a is desugared to @fst _ _ a [note the holes].
  • Some desugaring of pattern-matching problems also takes place.

The next step is type inference (called pretyping in Coq, as "typing" is used for the kernel-level type checking), which will turn a term in glob_constr form into a full-typed Constr.t value. Constr.t are the core terms manipulated by Coq's kernel and tactics.

When a generic argument is added to Coq's AST, we must also provide the corresponding internalization and pretyping functions. To that purpose, generic arguments have associated 3-levels, raw, glb, and top which correspond to parsing-level, internalized-level, and kernel-level.

Thus, a generic argument of type foo, may carry 3 different OCaml types depending on the level the type is. This is used for example to define the AST of LTAC tactics, where the expression pose s := foo with foo initially a constr_expr will undergo interpretation and inference up to a term with a fully elaborated foo term.