This library facilitates communication with the SparkFun Block for Intel® Edison - ADC but should reasonably support any I2C interface to the TI ADS1015 utilizing Intel’s mraa library.
Read Analog 0 to Ground using single shot mode with 4.096V setting on the PGA (default), with debug on:
var sparkfunAdc = require('sparkfunAdc');
var a0_4v = new sparkfunAdc.Adc({
debug: true,
var theReading = a0_4v.adcRead();
console.log("The reading is: " + theReading);
Debug is very granular, the above will yield:
Config binary : 1000001111000011
Config hex : 83c3
Wrote 0x83c3 to configuration register
Read 0x83c3 from configuration register
Read 0x902c from ADC
Converted Read Hex: 0x2c9
Converted Read Int: 713
The reading is: 713
Conversion of 12 bit readings to voltage is left up to the user.
var sparkfunAdc = require('sparkfunAdc');
var a0_4v = new sparkfunAdc.Adc();
var a1_2v = new sparkfunAdc.Adc({
inMux: sparkfunAdc.IN_MUX_AIN1_GND,
pga: sparkfunAdc.PGA_2_048V
console.log("A0->GND, 4.096 Volt PGA = " + a0_4v.adcRead());
console.log("A1->GND, 2.048 Volt PGA = " + a1_2v.adcRead());
A0->GND, 4.098 Volt PGA = 717
A1->GND, 2.048 Volt PGA = 2047
A full list of configuration options and defaults can be found in the docs.