allows you to run prometheus alert unit tests against
prometheus operator manifests. Simply point your unit tests at a prometheus operator PrometheusRule
- prometheus-operator-rules.yml
Where prometheus-operator-rules.yml
looks something like:
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: PrometheusRule
prometheus: k8s
role: alert-rules
name: prometheus-rules
- name: alerts
Then run po-test prometheus-operator-unittest.yml
The CLI will strip the kubernetes metadata from the target, run the unit tests against it, then put it back again.
It is also suitable for running as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
Run this to install prometheus that will also provide promtool
brew install prometheus
# go >= 1.17
# Using `go get` to install binaries is deprecated.
# The version suffix is mandatory.
go install github.com/loveholidays/po-test@latest
# go < 1.17
go get github.com/loveholidays/po-test
brew install loveholidays/tap/po-test
Grab the latest OS/Arch compatible binary from our Releases page.
git clone git@github.com:loveholidays/po-test.git
make build
po-test test-file1.yaml test-file2.yaml ...
Pushing a tag to origin with a version number will run the github actions to release that version.