This project is used to take the LOTUS (and beyond) data from Wikidata and export it in a format that can be used by our website.
It is made in Kotlin. All you need really is a JVM (Java >=15), and it should gather everything by itself.
./gradlew build
This can take a variable amount of time depending on how loaded the WikiData servers are. On good days it is < 10 min
./gradlew -q run --args "mirror"
This will export in tsv files in data/output. We have 4 files: references.tsv, compounds.tsv, taxa.tsv and a file that contains the triples linking these: /compound_reference_taxon.tsv/
./gradlew -q run --args "export -o data/output"
This will output a TSV file to the standard output (so your console likely)
./gradlew -q run --args "query $PWD/queries/getAllCompoundsInChIKeys.sparql"
There is also a way to do the query directly on WikiData
./gradlew -q run --args "query -d $PWD/queries/getAllCompoundsInChIKeys.sparql"
./gradlew assembleDist
This will produce several files in build/distributions. Uncompress the one you want somewhere and you can just run it on any machine that has a JDK like that:
./bin/wikidataLotusExporter mirror
./bin/wikidataLotusExporter query queries/getAllCompoundsInChIKeys.sparql
For convenience, there is a little helper for SPARQL queries. If you add at the beginning of your query
It will add the default wikidata prefixes.