Table of Contents - For mobile users
- ⭐ Linux Distros - Download Linux Distros
- ⭐ Linux Themes - Themes for Linux
- ⭐ Linux Piracy - Linux Piracy Guide
- ⭐ Archwiki - Arch Linux Wiki / Manuals / TUI
- ⭐ Awesome TUIs - Linux TUI Index
- ⭐ Bpytop, pfetch, CPU-X, vtop, neofetch / Themes, LM Sensors or Stacer - System Info / Resource Monitors
- ⭐ Alacritty, Kitty, Simple Terminal, yakuake or tabby - Terminal Emulator
- ⭐ Music Libraries / Players
- ⭐ mpv - Video Player / Frontend
- ⭐ syncthing or portal - File Sync
- ⭐ qBittorrent, rTorrent / 2, BitFlu, Torrentor or kTorrent / 2 - Linux Torrent Clients
- ⭐ qBittorrent Tools
- rTorrent Tools - Extended / Tools / Mods / All Seeders Column / Docker Build
- RuTorrent or flood - RTorrent Web Frontend / Themes, 2
- Linux x Technology, Ezlinux, Linux.Chat or Discord-Linux - Linux Discussion / Forums
- Linux Difficulty Chart - Distros Ranked by Difficulty
- BusyBox - Unix Tools
- Awesome-shell, AltBox or LinuxTools - Linux CLI Tools
- auto-cpufreq - CPU Speed & Power Optimization Automation
- Awesome Gnome - GNOME Distro Resources
- Enlightment, worm, qpwm or dwm - Window Manager
- bluetuith - Bluetooth Manager
- swizzin - Seedbox for Ubuntu / Debian
- rtinst - Seedbox Installation Script for Ubuntu / Debian
- ani-cli - Anime Streaming Terminal
- Trackma - Anime Tracking App
- Netflix Proxy - Streaming Service Proxy
- fmedia - Media Player and Converter
- Knapsu or Cloudbox - Media Server
- ansible-hms-docker - Automated Media Server Setup
- Tvheadend - TV Streaming Server / GitHub
- Docket-Jacket - Docker Jacket Container
- Redroid - Android Emulator
- Spot - Spotify Desktop Client for Gnome
- spotify-qt or SpotifyD - Spotify Clients
- Librespot-Python - Spotify TUI
- Deezer Linux - Deezer Client
- Myuzi or Harmony Music - Music Streaming Apps
- Meteo - Weather App
- Ubuntu VNC - Free Ubuntu VNC
- wikit - Wikipedia Summaries from CLI
- Linux Filesystem Chart - File System Guide
- Wget_Linux_Guide - Wget Guide
- Distrochooser or Fushra - Linux Distro Chooser
- Apodio or io GNU/Linux - Linux Distro w/ Preinstalled Apps
- OldSchoolOS - Old Linux Distro Archive
- Vivek9Patel - Run Ubuntu on Browser / GitHub
- Distrobox - Use Linux Distros via Terminal
- Kvantum - Linux QT / KDE Theme Engine
- susOS - Among Us Themed Distro
- Linux x Technology or Discord-Linux - Linux Chat Communities
- Discover or Nextcord - Discord Wrappers
- dvm - Discord Version Manager
- Discord RPM - Automated Discord Update Script
- Polybar or lemonbar - Customizable Status Bar
- Fix Guild Lag - Fix Guild Scrolling Lag
- Touchégg - Multi-Touch Gesture Recognizer
- Hardcode Tray - Hardcoded Tray Icon Fix
- WSL or Tunic - Run Linux on Windows / Resources / Startup Launcher / Wayland / X Server
- node-startup - Startup Script
- nyrna - Suspend Apps / Games
- RockstarKernel_WSL2 - Windows Subsystem Kernel
- kmon - Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor
- sbupdate - Generate & Sign kernel images for UEFI Secure Boot Arch Linux
- Boxes - Virtual Machine Manager
- Linux-KVM - Kernel-Based Virtual Machine
- Darling - Run MacOS Programs on Linux
- OSX-KVM, OneClick-macOS-Simple-KVM or macOS-Simple-KVM - MacOS Virtual
- libimobiledevice - Communicate with iOS Devices
- InstantBox - Temporary Linux Systems
- HowtoForge, Sindresorhus Guides, Erik Dubois or Mental Outlaw - Linux Guides / Tutorials
- DotShare - Distro Config Index
- Linux Live Kit - Live Linux Distro Creator
- ArchLinuxGUI, ArchTitus, archinstall or Anarchy - Arch Linux Installer
- /r/linuxupskillchallenge - How-to Sysadmin a Remote Server
- Free Cloud Linux Server - Free Cloud Server Guide
- yet another bench script - Server Performance Script
- Bandwhich - Terminal Bandwidth Utilization Tool
- Rang3r - IP / Port Scanner
- ScanMem - Memory Scanner / Debugger
- Brunch or Chromefy - ChromeOS Installer
- ArnoldTheBat, ChromeOS Flex / Guide, FydeOS, NeverWare or WayneOS - ChromeOS Based OS
- Chromebrew - Package Manager for ChromeOS
- Chrome100 - ChromeOS Recovery Images
- Crouton - Chromebook Linux OS
- Pop!_OS Shell - Pop-Shell for GNOME
- OneClickDesktop - One-Click Remote Desktop
- MultiBoot USB - Create Bootable USB Linux Drives
- WoeUSB or Windows2USB - Create Bootable USB Windows Drives
- CloverBootloader - Windows, Mac & Linux Bootloader / Config
- Linux Heads - Minimal CoreBoot / GitHub
- GParted - Partition Manager
- howtodebuntu - Tweaks for Debian Based Distros
- Extension Manager - GNOME Shell Extensions
- ckb-next - Corsair RGB Driver for Linux
- open-gpu-kernel-modules - NVIDIA Linux Open GPU Kernel Module
- MacBuntu Transformation Pack, 2 - Mac Theme
- La Capitaine, Moka, Numix or Papirus - Linux Icon Themes
- Ricepedia or ThatNixGuy Ricing - Linux Ricing Tools
- ricemood or wpgtk - Fully Customizable Unix Color Schemer
- Akira - UI/UX Customization
- Windows-10 - Linux Windows 10 Theme
- HydraPaper, Fondo, or Komorebi - Wallpaper Manager
- Video Wallpaper - Use Videos as Animated Wallpaper
- Polychromatic - Linux System Light Control
- ly - Display Manager with Console UI
- Burn My Windows - Window Closing Effects
- Junction - Change File Associations
- Pipewire or NoiseTorch - Noise Suppression Software
- Giara or Headlines - Reddit Client
- reddio - Reddit CLI
- gettit - Reddit CLI Video Downloader
- rainbowstream - Twitter CLI
- ramme - Instagram Client
- LiMP - Local Booru
- Luakit - Lightweight Linux Browser
- browsh - Text based Browser
- Librewolf Linux/ 2 / 3 or Dot Browser - Privacy-Based Browser
- Thorium - Chromium-Based Browser
- htop - Interactive Process Viewer / GitHub
- ProDash - Process Reporting
- pass - Unix Password Manager
- Seahorse or GnomeKeyring - GNOME Password Manager
- gopass - CLI Password Manager
- exa - Modern ls replacement
- KGet, GabutDM - Download Manager
- p7zip - File Archiver / Unzipper
- rcm - Manage Dotfiles
- Curlew - Linux File Converter
- Dolphin or ranger - File Manager
- Krename - Bulk File Renamer
- nnn, clifm, fm, Joshuto, gdu or NCDU - Terminal File Manager / Disk Usage Analyzer
- zentile or bspwm - Tiling Windows Manager / Sub / Binds
- Material Shell or Forge - GNOME Tiling Extension
- Bismuth - KDE Tiling Extension / GitHub
- easy-google-drive-downloader or GDown - Google Drive Downloader
- google-drive-ocamlfuse - Mount GDrive on Linux
- ANGRYsearch, CatCLI, xplr / GitHub / Discord, logo-ls, ugrep or Achoz - File Explorers
- PDF Mix - PDF Editor
- Gedit, Geany, Leafpad, NotepadNext, Featherpad, Mousepad or Notepadqq - Text Editor
- Zathura - Document Viewer
- Winfield - MS Word for Linux / OS X
- TextPieces - Quick Text Transformations
- emoj, Rofimoji, EmojiCherryPick, Shmoji or emoji-cli - Emoji CLI's
- Got or tl - Translators
- DidYouMean - Grammar Check
- photoshopCClinux - Linux Photoshop Installer
- FlameGApps - Google Apps Installer
- Sharing - Transfer Files to Phone
- Soulseek - File Sharing App
- maestral - Dropbox Client
- PeerVPN - P2P VPN
- GNU Social / 2 - Self-Hosted Social Networking Platform
- Hexchat, Adium, Polari, Irssi, KVIrc or Weechat - IRC Clients
- gurk-rs - Signal Client
- Ghetto Skype - Video / Chat Client
- Whatsdesk or ZapZap - WhatsApp Client
- Linux-dash - Web-based System Dashboard
- Sharenix or MagicCap - Screenshot Tool
- Plumber - Screen Recorder / Clipping
- SongRec - Song Identifier
- AV Linux - Video / Audio Editor
- Flowblade - Video Editor
- V4L2Loopback - Create Virtual Cameras
- photoshopCClinux - Image Editor
- TextSnatcher or Frog - Image to Text
- Feh or NSXIV - Image Viewer
- lsix - View Images in Terminal
- MkPosters - Turn Markdown Files into Posters
- Rapid - Quick Linux Photo Importer
- QR Scan - QR Code Scanner
- Drawing - Drawing App
- YouTube-Viewer - YouTube Linux Client / Fork
- Gnome-Twitch - Twitch Desktop Client
- HeadsetControl - Headset Settings Manager
- Qtractor - Audio Editor
- Ecasound, Viper4Linux / GUI or JDSP4Linux - Audio Processors
- cava - Console Audio Visualizer
- CasterSoundboard - Soundboard
- Peek - Simple Video / GIF recorder
- Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam - Fake Webcam Background
- utils or UsefulLinuxShellScripts - Linux Shell Tool Scripts
- hush - Unix Shell
- Mayfrost Guides - Linux / Computing Guides
- winapps, Cassowary, CrossOver or Bottles - Run Windows Apps in Linux
- Ulauncher - Application Launcher
- DeskCut - Desktop Shortcuts App
- Q4Wine - Wine GUI
- WineHQ - Wine Compatibility Database
- nativefier_tauri - Turn Webpages into Desktop Apps
- SysmonForLinux - Monitor / Log System Activity
- Nanobench - CPU Microbenchmark / Documentation
- FSLint or FCClones - Duplicate File Finder
- CoreELEC or LibreELEC - Kodi-Based Operating System
- Asus-Linux - Linux ASUS Notebook Guide
- Breathing - Relaxation / Breathing Tool
- List of Backup Software - Linux Backup Solutions
- SafeEyes - Break Reminders
- Dijo - Activity Tracker
- GammaStep - Adjust Screen Temperature
- Gromit MPX - Screen Annotation
- Client Evolution - Calendar
- todo or pls-cli - To-Do Apps
- aerc, ElectronMail or dodo - Email Client
- Link Unshortener - Unshorten Links
- lnkr - Link Saving CLI
- sttr - Base64 Encryption / Decryption CLI
- KTouch, typer or Toipe - Typing Practice
- wslu - Utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystem
- Tree - Directory Listing Command
- UbuntuCleaner - Easily clean Ubuntu(-based) Systems
- Boot-Repair - Grub Repair Guide for Linux Systems
- GrubCustomizer - Customize Grub
- Bash Crawl - Linux Command Learning Game
- ss64 Bash or Bash Oneliner - Linux Bash Commands
- zx - Javascript Bash
- Helmanual or awesome-for-oneliner - Unix Commands
- bashrcgenerator - .bashrc Generator
- bash_loading_animations - Bash Loading Animations
- Bashly - Bash CLI Framework
- dunst - Customizable Notification Daemon / GitHub
- Autokey - Linux Automation Utility
- Crontab Generator - Generate Crontab Syntax
- create-autorun - Create QNAP NAS Autorun Environment
- PowerShell - PowerShell
- Ghostwriter or Remarkable - Markdown Editor
- Whatever - Evernote Client
- Tmux - Terminal Multiplexer
- asciinema - Terminal Recorder
- Electerm - Terminal / SSH / STP Client
- Yakuake - Quake Style Terminal Emulator
- or Shell Color Scripts / 2 - Custom Terminal Themes
- atuin - Shell History Management
- cbonsai - Generate Bonsai Trees in Terminal
- or pipes-rs - Animated Pipes in Terminal
- Neo Matrix Git - Simulate Matrix Digital Rain
- Terminal Locomotive Train - Train Terminal Easter Egg
- ASCIIQuarium - Fish in Terminal
- AppImageLauncher - App Image Launcher
- Remontoire - Keybind Viewer for i3
- fzf - CLI based Fuzzy Finder
- bat - Modern Cat Clone with Wings
- dust - Intuitive Version of du
- Timeshift - Create System Snapshots / Restore Points
- AppImageHub or get-appimate - Download AppImages / CLI
- Repology - Package Repository Tracker
- Homebrew or NixOS / Manager - Package Manager
- Basher - Bash Script Package Manager
- yay - AUR Helper / Package Manager
- Pacstall - AUR-Inspired Package Manager for Ubuntu
- apt-fast - APT Download Accelerator
- Nala - APT Frontend
- Alien - Convert .rpm packages to .deb packages
- MPR Packages
- JenV - Java Environment Manager / GitHub
- pacwall - Live Wallpaper that shows Dependency Graph & Status of Installed Packages
- river, kiwmi, picom, wayfire or sway - Linux Compositors
- Compix - Xorg Compositor
- ProperTree - GUI Plist Editor
- Arronax - .desktop File Editor
- ImHex - Hex Editor
- Learn the Linux Command-Line, Command Line Guide or LinuxCommand - Command-Line Lessons
- or how2 - Command-Line Cheat Sheet
- tldr - Command-Line Tools / Rust
- Gum - Shell Script Creator
- shell-scripting-tutorial - Shell Scripting Tutorial
- - Match Command-Line Arguments to Help Text
- ShellCheck - Shell Script Bug Check
- Command Line Shells or Modern Unix - Alternative Command Line Shells
- nosystemd - Reasons Why Systemd is Disliked
- ⭐ PowerTunnel or SShuttle - Proxies
- The Practical Linux Hardening Guide or Linux Hardening / 2 - Linux Privacy Guide
- JShielder - Hardening Script for Linux Servers
- Lynis - Linux Security Auditing Tool
- Twilio Authy - Linux Two-Factor Authentication
- Lockigest - Screen Locker
- Menu Searx - SearX Search Tool
- Mistborn - Manage Cloud Security Apps
- OpenSnitch or Gufw - Linux Firewall
- Tracee - Runtime Security and Forensics
- Mofolinux, Tails or Kodachi - Privacy-Based Linux Operating System
- OpenVPN Wrapper - VPN Tunnel
- Openconnect VPN Server - Linux SSL VPN Server
- zapret - DPI Circumvention Tool
- Howdy - Linux Facial Authentication
- Tomb - File Encryption
- Collision - Check File Hashes
- WhoAmI Project - Privacy / Anonymity Tool / GitHub
- Yubikey Full Disk Encryption - Use YubiKey to unlock a LUKS Partition
- How to Secure a Linux Server - Secure Linux Server Guide
- BhanUpratpys - DNS Adblocking
- arch-delugevpn - Arch Linux base with Deluge, Privoxy & OpenVPN
- spotify-adblock or SpotifyNoPremium - Spotify Adblockers
- Anon-SMS - Send Anonymous SMS Messages
- Firejail - Security Sandbox
- Bubblewrap - Unprivileged Sandboxing Tool
- GoogleTeller - Google Tracking Notifications
- ⭐ Linux Software CSE - Multi-Site Software Search
- ⭐ Open Source Linux Programs
- Awesome Linux, 2, 3
- Flathub
- ArchLinux
- App Outlet
- SnapCraft
- Linux Apps
- tlanyan
- yay, paru or aura - Arch User Repository Helpers
- KDE's Applications
- Pling
- IzzySoft Apt Repositories
- Awesome KDE
- Plan9Port
- apps.gnome - GNOME Apps
- AppImagePool - Linux App Images
- AppImages - Linux App Images
- ⭐ Linux Gaming Guide / 2 - Linux Gaming Guides
- ⭐ protondb, Lutris, PortWine or Proton - Play Windows games on Linux
- ⭐ johncena141 - Linux Games
- winesapOS - Play Games on Storage Devices
- GameHub or Steal - Game Managers
- Free Linux PC Games - Linux Games
- The KDE Games Center - Linux Games
- Gaming-on-Linux Wiki - Wiki for Linux Gaming / Sub Wiki
- Gamebuntu - Setup Gaming Environment on Ubuntu / GitLab
- ProtonUp-QT - Install & Manage Proton-GE for Steam / Wine
- Batocera.linux or Lakka - Retro Gaming Distro
- steam-tui - Rust TUI for Steam
- steam-cli - CLI for Steam
- Luxtorpeda or Boxtron - Run Steam Games on Linux
- GameScope - Steam Session Compositing Window Manager
- SamRewritten - Steam Achievement Manager
- Steam for Linux - Steam Linux Beta Issue Tracker
- HeroicGamesLauncher / GitHub - Epic Games Launcher
- Minigalaxy - GOG Client
- proton-gog-install - Windows to Linux GOG Game Installer
- Unix ASCII Games - Unix ASCII Games
- CWordle - Wordle in Unix Terminal
- NVBurner or CoreCTRL - Overclocking Tool
- dxvk - D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 for Linux / Wine
- DXVKache - DXVK Cache Files
- VKBasAlt - Game Post Processing Layer
- Liquorix, Xanmod or Frogging - Linux Gaming Kernels
- Gamemode - Linux System Optimizer
- Ananicy - Fix Program Priority / Lag / C++
- LibreGaming - Linux Game Package Downloader
- yuzu-ea-updater-for-linux - Linux Yuzu Updater
- mcpelauncher - Minecraft Android Bedrock Edition Launcher for Linux
- Grapejuice - Roblox Manager for Linux
- Paimon Launcher - Run Genshin Impact on Linux
- among-sus - Play Among Us in your Terminal (Recreation)
- - Terminal Gameboy Emulator
- Gambit - Terminal Chess
- Sssnake - Terminal Snake
- Defuse Division - Multiplayer Terminal Minesweeper
- ⭐ Team OS or gibMacOS - Download MacOS
- ⭐ Dropzone or Readdle - Multipurpose File Tool
- ⭐ The Unarchiver, unxip or Keka - File Archiver / Unzipper
- ⭐ qBittorrent - Torrent Client / Tools
- ⭐ Music Libraries / Players
- ⭐ shottr or MagicCap - Screenshot Tool
- ⭐ Aptonic - Mac Productivity App
- ⭐ Alfred - Keystroke Launcher
- ⭐ CustomShortcuts, Karabiner-Elements or ShortcutKeeper - Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
- ⭐ alt-tab-macos - Alt-Tab for Mac
- ⭐ PDF Expert - PDF Viewer
- ⭐ Fantastical - Calendar
- Advanced MacOS Commands - Advanced Command-Line Tools
- AnimeNow - Anime Streaming App
- DMHY - Anime Torrent Autodownloader
- Swiftcord or Accord - Discord Clients
- Beta Profiles - Download Pre-Release Versions MacOS
- ravynOS - FreeBSD style MacOS
- CloverBootloader - Windows, Mac & Linux Bootloader / Config
- Boot Camp - Windows Bootloader / DL Script
- Docker OSX - Mac VM in Docker
- macos-virtualbox - MacOS Virtualbox Installer
- SwiftUI Win11 - Windows 11 Desktop Client for macOS
- Psst - Spotify Client
- Alfred Spotify Mini Player - Spotify Mini Player
- Subsonic - SwiftUI Audio Player
- LimaVM - Linux VM on MacOS
- Parallels, PortingKit, PlayOnMac or CrossOver - Run Windows Games / Programs on Mac
- OpenCore - Mac Bootloader / Config / Guide
- OpenCore Legacy Patcher - Install New macOS on Unsupported Devices
- Conky / Colors or MacFetch - System Info / Resource Monitor
- TaskExplorer - Task Manager / Viewer
- DPCIManager - PCI Hardware Info
- Clean-Me - MacOS System Cleanup
- OpenSourceApple - System Tools
- Windows 10 MBR or Create Bootable - Windows 10 Media Creation Tool
- Kexts - UEFI Kexts
- Download Shuttle or Progressive Downloader - File Download Manager
- AirDrop to Windows - AirDrop to Windows Guide
- maestral - File Sharing App
- Adobe Creative Cloud - Adobe CC Guides
- TNT-Adobe-Zii - Adobe CC Patcher / Subreddit
- Adobe Packager - Adobe Portable Installer Script
- ss64 OSX - MacOS Bash Commands
- Browserosaurus - Browser Prompter
- Orion - Webkit Browser with Chrome & Firefox extensions / Discord
- Strongbox - Password Manager
- Maccy - Clipboard Manager
- Dialect - Translator
- Drafts, TextMate, Nebo, Kyun or Voodoopad - Text Editors / Notes
- Taskpaper - To-Do Apps
- Stroke - Text (You Can't Delete) Editor
- BibDesk - Bibliography Manager
- ElectronMail, MimeStream or Spark - Email Clients
- Microsoft Mac Downloads or Microsoft-Office-For-MacOS - Office Suites
- Winfield - MS Word for Linux / OS X
- kbdlight - Change MacBook Keyboard Backlight Level
- KeyPad - Connect Mac Keyboard to Mobile Devices
- CheatSheet - Shortcut CheatSheet for Current Application
- MonitorControl - External Monitor Brightness & Volume Control
- BackgroundMusic - Volume Mixer / Auto-Pause
- BatteryBuddy - Cute Battery Indicator
- Bunch - Task Automation
- Find You - Track Bluetooth Devices
- Itsycal - Menu Bar Calendar
- pock - Touch Bar Widget Manager / GitHub
- xbar - Manage Menu Bar Items / GitHub
- MacLaunch - Manage Startup Items
- OnlySwitch - Menu Bar Toggle Switches
- Sloth - MacOS Process Manager
- pongoOS - Mac Pre-Boot Executor
- Magnet Pro, Yabai or Rectangle - Window Tiling Apps
- Homebrew - Package Manager
- AlDente - MacOS Charging Manager
- Unlocker - VMware Unlocker
- Sosumi - Download & Install macOS in a VM
- USBMap - Map MacOS USB Ports
- PowerShell - PowerShell
- iTerm2 - Replacement for Terminal
- asciinema - Terminal Recorder
- Pictogram or IconChamp - Custom App Icons
- IconSet or IconChamp - Custom System Icons
- Manila - Change Folder Colors
- Dynamic Wallpaper Club - MacOS Dynamic Wallpaper App
- wallpapper - Dynamic Wallpaper Creator
- Earthview Desktop - Dynamic Earth Wallpapers
- Plash - Use Website as Wallpaper
- 100 macOS Screensavers - Minimalist Screensavers
- DarkModeBuddy or ThemeKit - System Dark Mode Apps
- OldSchoolOS - Old MacOS ISOs
- Bootcamp Drivers - Mac Bootcamp AMD Drivers
- IINA - Video Player
- Meeter - Video Meeting Manager
- Gifski - Image to GIF Converter / GitHub
- Darkroom - Image / Video Editor
- Kap - Screen Recorder
- Garageband - Audio Editor
- The Levelator - Automatic Audio Level Adjustments
- CasterSoundboard - Soundboard
- XLD - Lossless Audio Transcoder
- BlackHole - Pass Audio to Apps
- Image Tricks Lite or SeaShore - Image Editor
- ImageOptim - Image Optimization
- Perspec - Correct Perspective of Images
- SD Buddy - Stable Diffusion GUI
- ColorSlurp or Material-Colors-native - Color Picker
- Use Contrast - Check Color Contrast Ratios
- Sim Daltoinism - Color Blindness Simulator
- AnimeBox - Booru Client
- Hachidori - Automatically Update MAL/Anilist/Kitsu Lists
- Magit! - Git Text-Based UI
- Code Editors - Code Editing Apps
- ProperTree - GUI Plist Editor
- NHCalc - Compute Image NeuralHash
- AppleNeuralHash2ONNX - Convert NeuralHash for CSAM Detection to ONNX / Collision Finder
- Is Apple Silicon ready? - M1 App Compatibility Chart
- SelfControlApp - Website Blocker
- Typist - Typing Practice
- Comet or RedditOS - Reddit Client
- Manta - Invoice Manager
- Xcodes - Manage Multiple Versions of Xcode
- Grayscale Mode - Grayscale Control
- MacOSIcons - MacOS Icons
- equinux - OS X Certificate Fix
- Lilu - Kext / Process Patcher
- JenV - Java Environment Manager / GitHub
- TopNotch - Remove The Notch
- ⭐ Malwarebytes, BlockBlock or KnockKnock - Antivirus
- MacOS Security Tools - Mac Security Tools
- MacOS Privacy Guide - Mac Privacy & Security Guides
- Obsidian - Two-Factor Authentication
- Gas Mask - Block Ads via Host Files
- Incoggo - Adblocker
- Adguard DNS - Adblocking Profile
- Lockdown Privacy - Block Trackers / Ads
- SpotifyAdBlocker-macOS, Spotify Adblock Guide or Mac_Spotify_Adblock - Spotify Adblockers
- Stronghold - Mac Security Settings Terminal
- LuLu - Mac Firewall
- Mana - App Security Monitor
- RansomWhere? - Ransomware Blocker
- OverSight - Webcam / Mic Monitor
- Santa - Binary Authorization System
- Masochist - XNU Rootkit Framework
- DHS - Dylib Hijack Scanner
- mac4n6 - Forensic Artifact Locations
- What's Your Sign? - View File Cryptographic Signatures
- Tracker Zapper - Remove URL Tracking Elements
- LinkLiar - Spoof MAC Address'
- FileVault - Mac Disk Encryption
- Code Signing - Validate Code Signature
- Kextviewr - View All Kernel Modules
- mac_apt - Artifact Parsing Tool
- OpenVPN or Passepartout - VPN Tunnel
- V2rayU - DIY Privacy Network
- MailTrackerBlocker - Privacy-Based Email Client
- ⭐ FileCR
- Macintosh Garden
- nMac
- Cmacked
- MacBed
- AppDB
- AppsTorrent
- XMac
- Pure Mac
- Macupdate
- Mac Torrents
- MacTorrents
- HaxMac
- InsMac
- MacX
- Downmienphi
- Awesome macOS
- Awesome Mac
- WebCatalog
- AppleDB - Official Apple Software
- Awesome macOS Open Source Apps - Open Source Software
- Macgamefiles
- NXMac
- Mac Torrents
- MacTorrents
- HeroicGamesLauncher / GitHub - Epic Games Launcher
- NASOS - Gamecube iso.dec to ISO Converter
- rbxfpsunlocker-osx - Roblox FPS Unlocker
- cemu.emiyl - CEMU Compatibility List