mitama-cpp-result is the C++20 libraries for error handling without exceptions.
mitama-cpp-result provides result<T, E>
, maybe<T>
, and associated monadic functions
(like Result
and Option in Programming Language Rust).
Read Installation in the User Reference.
$ make -C build -j $(nproc)
$ ln -s $PWD/build/compile_commands.json $PWD
$ cmake -B build -DBUILD_TESTING=ON
$ make -C build -j $(nproc)
$ cd build
$ ctest --output-on-failure
$ cabin lint --exclude Catch2
$ cabin fmt --exclude Catch2
Build the latest document (requires poetry)
mitama-cpp-result> $ cd docs
mitama-cpp-result/docs> $ poetry install --no-root
mitama-cpp-result/docs> $ poetry run mkdocs serve