Welcome to the GitHub repository for my personal portfolio website: www.lohanigaurab.com.np. This site highlights my journey as a Full Stack Developer and showcases my projects, skills, and experience.
This website includes:
- Home: Overview of who I am and my work.
- About Me: My background in web development, highlighting technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask, and Django.
- Education: Timeline of my academic journey.
- Projects: A collection of my professional projects, such as:
- Binayak Lohani Website
- Needle Social Media
- Netflix Clone and more.
- Contact: Details on how to get in touch via email or phone.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Hosting: Cloudfare
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices
- Projects section with live links to deployed applications
- Clean, minimal design with intuitive navigation
- Contact form and direct links to my social profiles
Follow these steps to set up the website locally:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/lohanigaurab01/lohanigaurab.git