Simplified ISAAC APIs for REST access
This implementation is provided and supported by VetsEZ (Veterans EZ Info, Inc.) in combination with Sagebits LLC.
This implementation only supports READ APIs.
As part of our suite of terminology offerings, we also have an extended version that supports WRITE APIs, in addition
to a full graphical web-based editor.
Reach out to us at, for more details.
This code has a dependency on
The develop branch of this code tracks the develop-fx11 branch of ISAAC, so to build this code, you must first check out, and do a 'mvn install' on the develop-fx11 branch of ISAAC. This branch is for Java 11. Java 8 support was retired, there is a tag named 'retired/jdk8' with the last of the code that supported JDK 8.
After you have built ISAAC, and installed it into your local repository, then you can build this code with maven. 'mvn clean package' will get you a deployable war file.
- To run in Eclipse, execute the class You may optionally set a system property called -DisaacDatabaseLocation pointing to the location of the .data file. For example, on my system the path is -DisaacDatabaseLocation=c:\temp\database\ In Eclipse, put this in the VM Argument tab under the Run Configurations menu.
To have it download a particular DB during the startup sequence, edit the file
and specify the "nexus_..." parameters, and the "db_..." parameters. If the 'nexus_pwd' parameter is encrypted, then place the decryption password in a file named:
or, place the password file in another location, and specify the location of the password decryption file via the environment variable DECRYPTION_FILE
- To run from the command line - with a full build:
mvn clean test-compile -Pstart-server
- To run from the command line - after having already built the code with 'mvn clean package'
mvn -Prun exec:exec
This code may be found on several git servers, however, if you have additions, please submit them as pull requests to to
You may file bugs at
To enable reading content from an additional maven repo during a bitbucket pipelines run, set the environment variables:
Tomcat - works
Grizzly - works - see 'LocalGrizzlyRunner' in the src/test/java folder.
GlassFish - Fatal incompatibility:
WildFly / JBoss - Annoyances with JavaFX support (need custom JBoss files - see commit history in WEB-INF folder), never got it to work with a current version of JAX-RS. Issues with Array type support (due to old version of JAX-RS). Haven't retested in a couple of years.
WebLogic - Better than WildFly - but still issues with using an old version of JAX-RS. See commit history for (unsuccessful) attempts to upgrade it. Haven't retested in a couple of years.