STI ISE 5901 Whitepaper repository.
Endpoint Gap Analysis Test Plan and Commands
Gap Analysis Test Environment
Wazuh Endpoint Agent Gap Analysis
- The AtomicRedTeam Test Plan is stored in json format for Navigator 4.x or 3.x.
- To view import the Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into MITRE ATT&CK Navigator 4.x ( to see test plan with sub-techniques.
- To view import the Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_3.0.json into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator 3.x in Security Onion 2.3.x to see the test plan without sub-techniques.
- Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
- Copy the following text into the Filter field:
.techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, comment: .comment} | .techniqueID
- Copy and Paste Output into techniques.txt
- PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
get-content techniques.txt | sort-object | get-unique | measure-object -word
- Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
- Copy the following text into the Filter field:
.techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, comment: .comment} | select(.comment!="") | .techniqueID
- Copy and Paste Output into techniqueID.txt
- PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
get-content techniqueID.txt | sort-object | get-unique | measure-object -word
- Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
- Copy the following text into the Filter field:
.techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, comment: .comment} | select(.comment!="") | .comment
- Copy and Paste Output into comments.txt
- PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
(get-content comments.txt).split("|") | select-string "Atomic Test #" | sort-object | measure-object -line
Follow instructions at
For this research paper, the following setup commands were used.
- Make a Tools Directory:
New-Item -Path"c:\" -Name "Tools" -ItemType "directory"
- Install Invoke-AtomicRedTeam Module:
IEX (IWR '' -UseBasicParsing); \ Install-AtomicRedTeam -InstallPath "c:\Tools" -getAtomics
- Update PowerShell profile to automatically install the module in new shell:
notepad $profile
- Paste the following, save, then close.
Import-Module "C:\Tools\invoke-atomicredteam\Invoke-AtomicRedTeam.psd1" -Force \ $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{"Invoke-AtomicTest:PathToAtomicsFolder"="C:\Tools\atomics"}
Execute command Invoke-AtomicRedTeam TECHNIQUE_ID -TestNumbers TEST_NUMBERS
Atomic Red Team Test Commands
- Paste contents Windows_Endpoint_Test_Plan_4.0.json into JSON window.
- Copy the following text into the Filter field:
.techniques[] | {techniqueID: .techniqueID, tactic: .tactic, comment: .comment} | select(.comment!="")
- Copy and Paste Output into techniqueID.txt
- PowerShell command to sort, unique, and count
(((((gc .\command_list.txt | sort-object | get-unique).split("|")).TrimEnd("\n")).TrimStart('{"').TrimEnd('"}')).TrimEnd('"comment":')).split(",") | out-file
- The rest is good old fashion manual text editing