A plugin for Learning Analytics. The intention is to provide a learning analytics (LA) overview for Coursecreator's, Teachers and Students as well. Lytix is the main plugin with several widgets. Each widget is a subplugin and can be added or removed accordingly. Each platform we support uses a different constellation of these widgets.
Currently, lytix is provided for 3 moodle instances:
- Learner's Cornerj (LC) for the TeachCenter (https://tc.tugraz.at/main/), University of Graz (https://learn.moodle.uni-graz.at) and University of Vienna (https://moodle.univie.ac.at)
- Creator's Dashboard (CD) for iMooX (https://imoox.at/mooc/)
- Course Dashboard (outdated) is currently not in use and not maintained!
Currently, there are 12 widgets and 3 helper subplugins:
basic (dummy)
activity (LC)
diary (LC)
planner (LC)
grademonitor (LC)
timeoverview (LC, CD)
actions (CD)
coursecompletion (CD)
completions (CD)
participations (CD)
measure (outdated)
timedetail (outdated)
config (all)
helper (all)
logs (all)
Each platform view can be selected in the plugin settings. A mustache template is then used to provide the correct widgets.
There are 4 plugin settings to consider.
- platform: selects the correct platform (TUG, IMX or KF)
- semester_start: Start of the semester. It is relevant for several plugins. This value gets overwritten by the course start.
- semester_end: End of the semester. It is relevant for several plugins. This value gets overwritten by the course end or ignored at iMooX.
- course_list: This setting is a list of courses (ID's). When a course is added here, lytix is enabled for this course.
- grademonitor list: This setting is a list of courses (ID's). When a course is added here, the grademonitor is enabled for this course.