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File metadata and controls

164 lines (150 loc) · 4.75 KB

sqlmy 是我对需要访问数据库的业务开发的一点小小的心得。


通常, dao 用于访问数据库。现有风格多种多样,这里提供的也只不过是另外一个风格(可能是最简单的):

  • 定义一个名字和表名类似结构体A,用来承载查询的结果
  • 定义一个名字为 AParam 的结构体,用来承载 where 和 insert 的数据
  • 定义一个CURD 单例,用来访问数据库


CREATE TABLE students (
    id bigint(64),
    name varchar(64),
    status tinyint(2)


var StudentCURD = NewCURD[Student, StudentParam]("students")

type Student struct
	ID     int64  `db:"id"`
	Name   string `db:"name"`
	Status int    `db:"status"`

type StudentParam struct
	ID     *int64  `db:"id"`
	IDs    []int64 `db:"id,in"`
	Name   *string `db:"name"`
	Status *int    `db:"status"`
	StatusRange []int    `db:"status,in"`

	OrderBy *string `db:"_orderby"`
	Limit   []uint  `db:"_limit"`

在定义一个 CURD 单例:

var StudentCURD = NewCURD[Student, StudentParam]("students")


// QueryOne
// SELECT * FROM students
student, err := StudentCURD.Query(ctx, nil)
// SELECT name FROM students WHERE id = 1
student, err := StudentCURD.Query(ctx,  &StudentParam{ 
        ID: P(int64(1)),

// Query List
// SELECT * FROM students WHERE status IN(1, 2) limit 0, 1
students, err := StudentCURD.Query(ctx, &StudentParam{ 
        StatusRange: []int{1,2}, 
        Limit: []unit{0, 2}, 

// Update
// UPDATE students SET name=`n1` WHERE id=1
affectedRows, err := StudentCURD.Update(ctx, &StudentParam{
		ID: P(int64(1)),
	}, &StudentParam{
		Name: P("n1"),

// Delete
// DELETE FROM students WHERE id=1
affectedRows, err := StudentCURD.Delete(ctx, &StudentParam{
		ID: P(int64(1)),

// Insert
// INSERT INTO students (id,name) VALUES (1, "n1")
lastInsertedID, err := StudentCURD.Insert(ctx, &StudentParam{
		ID:   P(int64(1)),
		Name: P("n1"),
// INSERT IGNORE INTO students (id,name) VALUES (1, "n1")
lastInsertedID, err := StudentCURD.Insert(ctx, &StudentParam{
		ID:   P(int64(1)),
		Name: P("n1"),

// Insert List
// INSERT INTO students (id,name) VALUES (1, "n1"), (2, "n2"), (3, "n3")
lastInsertedID, err := StudentCURD.InsertList(ctx, []*StudentParam{
			ID:   P(int64(1)),
			Name: P("n1"),
			ID:   P(int64(2)),
			Name: P("n2"),
			ID:   P(int64(3)),
			Name: P("n3"),
// INSERT INTO students (id,name) VALUES (1, "n1"), (2, "n2")
// INSERT INTO students (id,name) VALUES (3, "n3")
lastInsertedID, err := StudentCURD.InsertList(ctx, []*StudentParam{
			ID:   P(int64(1)),
			Name: P("n1"),
			ID:   P(int64(2)),
			Name: P("n2"),
			ID:   P(int64(3)),
			Name: P("n3"),


  • Context with Conn
    • WithConn(ctx context.Context, connFactory func() (conn Conn, err error)) (context.Context, error)
    • GetExecutor(ctx context.Context) Executor
    • QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...any) (*sql.Rows, error)
    • ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...any) (sql.Result, error)
  • CURD Function
    • NewCURD[Data, Param any](tableName string) *CURD[Data, Param]
    • Query(ctx context.Context, param *Param, opts ...curdOpt) (*Data, error)
    • QueryList(ctx context.Context, param *Param, opts ...curdOpt) ([]*Data, error)
    • Insert(ctx context.Context, data *Param, opts ...curdOpt) (lastInsertedID int64, err error)
    • InsertList(ctx context.Context, datas []*Param, opts ...curdOpt) (lastInsertedID int64, err error)
    • Update(ctx context.Context, where *Param, assign *Param, opts ...curdOpt) (affectedRows int64, err error)
    • Delete(ctx context.Context, where *Param, opts ...curdOpt) (affectedRows int64, err error)
    • WithQueryBuilder(builder func(table string, fields []string, where any) (sql string, args []any, err error)) curdOpt
  • CURD option
    • WithSelectFileds(fields ...string) curdOpt
    • WithUpdateBuilder(builder func(table string, where, assign any) (sql string, args []any, err error)) curdOpt
    • WithInsertBuilder(builder func(table string, typ InsertType, datas ...any) (sql string, args []any, err error)) curdOpt
    • WithInsertType(typ InsertType) curdOpt
    • WithInsertBatchSize(batchSize int) curdOpt
    • WithDeleteBuilder(builder func(table string, where any) (sql string, args []any, err error)) curdOpt
  • Context with Log
    • WithLogID(ctx context.Context, logID string) context.Context
    • GetLogID(ctx context.Context) string
  • Log
    • SetLogger(log Logger)
    • DumbLogger
    • StdLogger
  • Others
    • P[V any](v V) *V