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[LeetCode] 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating

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65 lines (52 loc) · 2.37 KB


Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. ** Example 1:

Input: "abcabcbb"
Output: 3 
Explanation: The answer is "abc", with the length of 3.

Example 2:

Input: "bbbbb"
Output: 1
Explanation: The answer is "b", with the length of 1.

Example 3:

Input: "pwwkew"
Output: 3
Explanation: The answer is "wke", with the length of 3. 
             Note that the answer must be a substring, "pwke" is a subsequence and not a substring.


Approach 3: Sliding Window Optimized

The above solution requires at most 2n steps. In fact, it could be optimized to require only n steps. Instead of using a set to tell if a character exists or not, we could define a mapping of the characters to its index. Then we can skip the characters immediately when we found a repeated character. The reason is that if s[j]s[j] have a duplicate in the range [i, j)[i,j) with index j'j′, we don't need to increase i_i_ little by little. We can skip all the elements in the range [i, j'][i,j′] and let i_i_ to be j' + 1_j_′+1 directly.

解题思路: 扫描数组并记录局部最长无重复子串,然后求出全局最长子串

  • [i,j] 两个指针从前往后扫(闭区间),同时记录每一个字母最新出现的位置:
    • 如果[i, j] 之间没有重复的字母(即第j个字母出现的位置x<i),计算当前扫描最长无重复子串长度为 (j - i + 1),并更新全局最长子串的值
    • 如果[i, j] 之间有重复字母(即第j个字母出现的位置x>i),更新i为(x+1),计算当前扫描最长无重复子串为 (j - i + 1),并更新全局最长子串
class Solution { 
	public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
        int n = s.length();
        // 记录每个字母最新出现的位置
        Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

        int maxLen = 0;
        for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            if(map.containsKey(s.charAt(j))) {
                // 当前字母在[i, j]之间出现过
                // i直接跳转到该字母出现的位置后面
                i = Math.max(map.get(s.charAt(j)) + 1, i);
            maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, j - i + 1);
            // 更新每个字母最新出现的位置
            map.put(s.charAt(j), j);
        return maxLen;