A simple Django framework based project to -
- Search Github Users using username and retrieve relevant data.
- Saving the same in admin views.
- Filtering data with search bar in admin view.
- Creating reports on the basis of API requests per day/month/year.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You will need Django framework to run this project smoothly. Go to your terminal and execute the following command or visit Django website.
pip install django
A step by step series of examples that tells what you have to do to get this project running -
- Enter the project directory.
- Make migrations for the project -
python manage.py makemigrations
- Migrate the changes -
python manage.py migrate
- Create SuperUser-
python manage.py createsuperuser
Provide username, email and password and remember it matey!
Default added = username - admin | password - admin12345
- Run the server -
python manage.py runserver
- Access on your browser to use the application.
- Add username in search bar and hit 'Get data' to retrieve user data.
- Access Admin Panel by clicking 'Admin Panel' button.
Choose '1_User_Data' to access user data table to see all API calls.
Use Search bar to filter data according to fields given in table.
Choose 'Report Today' to review report of API calls done on present date.
Choose 'Report Month' to review report of API calls done in past month.
Choose 'Report Year' to review report of API calls done in present year.
- Django - Python web framework used.
- Python - Python programming language.
- Bower - A Package Manager for the web.
If you want to contribute to this project, for some reason I won't understand, then you can create a pull request. Happy Coding!
Version 1.something Mehh...
- Shivam Kapoor - An avid learner who likes to know every tiny detail in working of real life systems. Real enthusiast of cyber security and underlying networking concepts. (Email - kapoor.shivam88@gmail.com)
Too lazy to decide on a License. zZzZ
- YouTube Videos (Thank god they exist :')'
- StackOverFlow xD
- Django Documentation FTW