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Portal group strings to AD groupType

ryannewington edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 1 revision

Portal group strings to AD groupType


This transform allows you to pass in the text "Security" or "Distribution" and "Global", "Universal", or "DomainLocal", and create an integer value suitable for passing directly to the AD groupType attribute.

This transform is the reverse of the AD group scope to string and AD group type to string transforms.


This transform has no parameters

Input Type

The transform accepts a multiple string values as an input

Multiple input values

This transform accepts multiple input values, and processes them together, returning only a single value.

Return Type

The transform returns an integer value


Input value Output value
Security Global -2147483646
Distribution Global 1
Security Universal -2147483640
Distribution Universal 8
Security DomainLocal -2147483644
Distribution DomainLocal 4