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Multivalued to single valued

ryannewington edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 1 revision

Multivalued to single-valued


This transforms allows you to extract a single value from multiple input values based on the criteria you specify


Parameter Description
Operator Specifies the operator used to select the value. See the Operator Description below.
Value When used with a compatible operator, specifies the comparison value to use

Input Type

The transform accepts any valid data type.

Multiple input values

This transform accepts multiple input values, and processes them together, returning only a single value.

Return Type

The transform returns a single value of the same data type as in the input values.

Operator Description

Operator Requires Comparison Value Supported data types Description
Equals Yes All Returns the first value found that is an exact match to the comparison value
Does not equal Yes All Returns the first value found that doesn't match the comparison value
Is greater than Yes Integer Returns the first value found that is greater than the comparison value
Is greater than or equal to Yes Integer Returns the first value found this is greater than or equal to the comparison value
Is less than Yes Integer Returns the first value found that is less than the comparison value
Is less than or equal to Yes Integer Returns the first value found this is less than or equal to the comparison value
Contains Yes String Returns the first value found that contains the comparison value within it
Does not contain Yes String Returns the first value found that does not contain the comparison value within it
Starts with Yes String Returns the first value found that starts with the comparison value
Ends with Yes String Returns the first value found that ends with the comparison value
Smallest No Integer Returns the smallest value from the input values
Largest No Integer Returns the largest value from the input vales
First No All Returns the first value passed into the transform
Last No All Returns the last value passed into the transform