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Date conversion

ryannewington edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 1 revision

Date conversion


This transform allows manipulation of date time data. Incoming values can be converted from one format to another, have units added or subtracted from them, and moved between time zones.


Parameter Description
Input type Specifies the type of the input data. See the supported types section below.
Input format When a custom string format is specified as the input type, this defines the string format of the date
Input time zone Specifies what time zone the input date is in
Calculation type Specifies the type of calculation to make on the date. Valid options are add, subtract, or no calculation
Calculation amount When performing a date calculation, this is the number of units to add or subtract
Calculation units When performing a date calculation, specifies the type of units to add or subtract in the quantity specified by Calcuation amount
Output type Specifies the type that should be returned by the transform. See the supported types section below
Output format When a custom string format is specified as the output type, this defines the string format of the date
Output time zone Specifies what time zone to output date should be returned as

Input Type

The transform accepts an integer, string, or DateTime as an input value, depending on the value of the input type parameter. The Support types table below details what ACMA data type is supported for each input type.

Multiple input values

The transform accepts multiple input values, and processes each of them individually

Return Type

The transform returns a data type that is determined by the Output type parameter

Supported types

Type UMARE data type Description
.NET ticks integer A 64-bit integer representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001
FIM service date string string A FIM service compatible ISO8601 date string
Custom string format string Any .NET standard or custom string format
File time Integer The Microsoft FileTime data type, most commonly used to store time stamps in Active Directory, which is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC)