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Customizing log and email messages

Ryan Newington edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 1 revision

The audit messages that are logged can be customized by editing the templates stored in the /App_Data/Templates folder.

The following placeholders can be used anywhere in these files

The following Active Directory attributes are available for the successfully authenticated user

Placeholder Description
{user.SamAccountName} The user name of the authenticated user
{user.DisplayName} The display name of the authenticated user
{user.UserPrincipalName} The UPN of the authenticated user
{user.Sid} The SID of the authenticated user
{user.DistinguishedName} The distinguished name of the authenticated user
{user.Description} The description of the authenticated user
{user.EmailAddress} The email address of the authenticated user
{user.Guid} The objectGUID of the authenticated user
{user.GivenName} The given name of the authenticated user
{user.Surname} The surname of the authenticated user

The following Active Directory attributes are available when the requested computer has been matched to a target and found in the directory

Placeholder Description
{computer.SamAccountName} The account name of the computer
{computer.DistinguishedName} The DN of the computer
{computer.Description} The description of the computer
{computer.DisplayName} The display name of the computer
{computer.Guid} The objectGuid of the computer
{computer.Sid} The SID of the computer
{computer.LapsExpiryDate} The expiry date of the LAPS password

The following attributes are available about the target rule that was matched

Placeholder Description
{target.ID} The ID of the matched target rule
{target.IDType} The type of object referenced in the ID
{target.Notify} The list of email addresses to notify when this target is accessed

The following attributes are available about the reader rule that was matched

Placeholder Description
{reader.Principal} The principal that allowed the user to access the password
{reader.Notify} The list of email addresses to notify when this reader accesses a password

The following attributes are available about the request

Placeholder Description
{requestedComputerName} The specific text entered by the user into the requested computer name field
{message} A message about the request, such as the reason the user was denied access to the password
{request.IPAddress} The IP address of the network client who accessed the web site
{request.HostName} The hostname or IP address of the network client who accessed the web site
{request.Xff} The first IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header (used when a client is behind a proxy or the server is behind a load balancer)
{request.XffAll} The list of IP addresses in the X-Forwarded-For header (used when a client is behind a proxy or the server is behind a load balancer)
{request.UnmaskedIPAddress} Returns either the {request.Xff} value if present, or the {request.IPAddress} value. Be aware that the X-Forwarded-For header can be set on the client side and they could use this to try and mask their real IP address. You should always log {request.IPAddress} as well
{datetime} The current date and time in local server time
{datetimeutc} The current date and time in universal time