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Lauri Rooden edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Modern JavaScript

It is almost comical how many "modern" JavaScript frameworks are marketed as "lightweight". Many of these are solving problems that don’t even exist.

React, for instance: promises to cut render time from 52ms to 38ms — impressive, until you realize it leads to a 10MB bundle size and a 15-second load time.

The hype around these frameworks often hides their bloated core, leading to slower load times, delayed feature delivery, and more complex maintenance.

Adding a simple button should be a single line of HTML, not a two-week hassle with thousands of new lines of code — yet that’s often the reality with "modern" tools.

  • Every added dependency is a potential security risk, a maintenance headache, and a performance drain.
  • The web works just fine with plain HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. Frameworks should simplify things, not complicate them.
  • Is your npm ls --all more than 15 lines?

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

It is astonishing how many developers claim that making a web app work across all screen resolutions and aspect ratios is difficult.

The truth? HTML is responsive by nature. The world’s very first web page is responsive.

It actually takes effort to write bad CSS code that breaks this inherent responsiveness.

So, the next time someone asks for extra time or money to make your app responsive, remember: you likely already paid them to make it unresponsive in the first place.

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