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Microsoft Graph Introduction

This repository trys to give an introdcution to Microsofts MS Graph API.

Focus is on usage

  • of the REST API
  • with PowerShell


Have a look at the demo github pages of this template repo:

Additonal Information

Setup (Presentation)

  1. Create a new github repo which uses this template.
    • start with a public repo and change this to a private after complete setup
  2. Activate github pages within this repository (see Settings -> Pages) - most of the time using the main branch is ok.
  3. If you clone the repo locally:
    1. Get the submodule files with git submodule update --init --recursive.
    2. Checkout the latest reveal.js commit from master with git submodule update --remote.
    3. For testing purposes run a local server - for example with vscode and live server plugin.
  4. Add own markdown files (sadly without yaml header!) and adapt index.html accordingly.
  5. Upload (commit/push) changes to github.

For a detailed explanation see pachanero-revealjs-template.


This repo uses reveal.js version 4.4.0 (see reveal.js (github) for latest reveal.js tag). See how to host reveal.js on github-pages on how to update to a newer version.