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Merge commit '0005eebcd9cab0a3ee8ae7caa97218a094a66555' into beta
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Ali committed Apr 12, 2023
2 parents 065bf2d + 0005eeb commit 8be2f27
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Showing 213 changed files with 5,907 additions and 1,395 deletions.
85 changes: 42 additions & 43 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -11,86 +11,85 @@ There are several things we require from **all developers** for the moment.
3. Please study our [**security guidelines**]( and take good care of your users' data and privacy.
4. Please remember to publish **your** code too in order to comply with the licences.

# Compilation Guide
# Quick Compilation Guide

1. Install Xcode (directly from or using the App Store).
2. Clone the project from GitHub:
## Get the Code

git clone --recursive -j8

3. Adjust configuration parameters
## Setup Xcode

mkdir -p $HOME/telegram-configuration
mkdir -p $HOME/telegram-provisioning
cp build-system/appstore-configuration.json $HOME/telegram-configuration/configuration.json
cp -R build-system/fake-codesigning $HOME/telegram-provisioning/
Install Xcode (directly from or using the App Store).

- Modify the values in `configuration.json`
- Replace the provisioning profiles in `profiles` with valid files

4. (Optional) Create a build cache directory to speed up rebuilds
## Adjust Configuration

1. Generate a random identifier:
mkdir -p "$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache"
openssl rand -hex 8
2. Create a new Xcode project. Use `Telegram` as the Product Name. Use `org.{identifier from step 1}` as the Organization Identifier.
3. Open `Keychain Access` and navigate to `Certificates`. Locate `Apple Development: your@email.address (XXXXXXXXXX)` and double tap the certificate. Under `Details`, locate `Organizational Unit`. This is the Team ID.
4. Edit `build-system/template_minimal_development_configuration.json`. Use data from the previous steps.

5. Build the app
## Generate an Xcode project

python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
build \
--configurationPath=path-to-configuration.json \
--codesigningInformationPath=path-to-provisioning-data \
--buildNumber=100001 \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=build-system/template_minimal_development_configuration.json \

6. (Optional) Generate an Xcode project
# Advanced Compilation Guide

## Xcode

1. Copy and edit `build-system/appstore-configuration.json`.
2. Copy `build-system/fake-codesigning`. Create and download provisioning profiles, using the `profiles` folder as a reference for the entitlements.
3. Generate an Xcode project:
python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=path-to-configuration.json \
--codesigningInformationPath=path-to-provisioning-data \
--configurationPath=configuration_from_step_1.json \

It is possible to generate a project that does not require any codesigning certificates to be installed: add `--disableProvisioningProfiles` flag:
## IPA

1. Repeat the steps from the previous section. Use distribution provisioning profiles.
2. Run:
python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=path-to-configuration.json \
--codesigningInformationPath=path-to-provisioning-data \
--disableExtensions \
build \
--configurationPath=...see previous section... \
--codesigningInformationPath=...see previous section... \
--buildNumber=100001 \

## Tips

Tip: use `--disableExtensions` when developing to speed up development by not building application extensions and the WatchOS app.

# Tips

Bazel is used to build the app. To simplify the development setup a helper script is provided (`build-system/Make/`). See help:
## Codesigning is not required for simulator-only builds

Add `--disableProvisioningProfiles`:
python3 build-system/Make/ --help
python3 build-system/Make/ build --help
python3 build-system/Make/ generateProject --help
python3 build-system/Make/ \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath=path-to-configuration.json \
--codesigningInformationPath=path-to-provisioning-data \

Bazel is automatically downloaded when running for the first time. If you wish to use your own build of Bazel, pass `--bazel=path-to-bazel`. If your Bazel version differs from that in `versions.json`, you may use `--overrideBazelVersion` to skip the version check.
## Versions

Each release is built using specific Xcode and Bazel versions (see `versions.json`). The helper script checks the versions of installed software and reports an error if they don't match the ones specified in `versions.json`. There are flags that allow to bypass these checks:
Each release is built using a specific Xcode version (see `versions.json`). The helper script checks the versions of the installed software and reports an error if they don't match the ones specified in `versions.json`. It is possible to bypass these checks:

python3 build-system/Make/ --overrideBazelVersion build ... # Don't check the version of Bazel
python3 build-system/Make/ --overrideXcodeVersion build ... # Don't check the version of Xcode
41 changes: 36 additions & 5 deletions Telegram/BUILD
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,16 +28,21 @@ load("@build_bazel_rules_swift//swift:swift.bzl",

load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:apple.bzl", "local_provisioning_profile")


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,10 +514,11 @@ app_groups_fragment = """

communication_notifications_fragment = """
official_communication_notifications_fragment = """
communication_notifications_fragment = official_communication_notifications_fragment if telegram_bundle_id in official_bundle_ids else ""

store_signin_fragment = """
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1919,6 +1925,18 @@ plist_fragment(

name = "Telegram_local_profile",
profile_name = "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: {}".format(telegram_bundle_id),
team_id = telegram_team_id,

name = "Telegram_xcode_profile",
managed_by_xcode = True,
provisioning_profile = ":Telegram_local_profile",

name = "Telegram",
bundle_id = "{telegram_bundle_id}".format(
Expand All @@ -1928,7 +1946,7 @@ ios_application(
minimum_os_version = minimum_os_version,
provisioning_profile = select({
":disableProvisioningProfilesSetting": None,
"//conditions:default": "@build_configuration//provisioning:Telegram.mobileprovision",
"//conditions:default": ":Telegram_xcode_profile" if telegram_use_xcode_managed_codesigning else "@build_configuration//provisioning:Telegram.mobileprovision",
entitlements = ":TelegramEntitlements.entitlements",
infoplists = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1985,9 +2003,22 @@ xcodeproj(
bazel_path = telegram_bazel_path,
project_name = "Telegram",
tags = ["manual"],
top_level_targets = [
top_level_targets = top_level_targets(
labels = [
target_environments = ["device", "simulator"],
xcode_configurations = {
"Debug": {
"//command_line_option:compilation_mode": "dbg",
"Release": {
"//command_line_option:compilation_mode": "opt",
default_xcode_configuration = "Debug"


# Temporary targets used to simplify webrtc build tests
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Telegram/NotificationService/BUILD
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ swift_library(

visibility = [
Expand Down
25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions Telegram/NotificationService/Sources/NotificationService.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import PersistentStringHash
import CallKit
import AppLockState
import NotificationsPresentationData
import RangeSet

private let queue = Queue()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -680,7 +681,7 @@ private final class NotificationServiceHandler {
Logger.shared.logToConsole = loggingSettings.logToConsole
Logger.shared.redactSensitiveData = loggingSettings.redactSensitiveData

let networkArguments = NetworkInitializationArguments(apiId: apiId, apiHash: apiHash, languagesCategory: languagesCategory, appVersion: appVersion, voipMaxLayer: 0, voipVersions: [], appData: .single(buildConfig.bundleData(withAppToken: nil, signatureDict: nil)), autolockDeadine: .single(nil), encryptionProvider: OpenSSLEncryptionProvider(), deviceModelName: nil, useBetaFeatures: !buildConfig.isAppStoreBuild)
let networkArguments = NetworkInitializationArguments(apiId: apiId, apiHash: apiHash, languagesCategory: languagesCategory, appVersion: appVersion, voipMaxLayer: 0, voipVersions: [], appData: .single(buildConfig.bundleData(withAppToken: nil, signatureDict: nil)), autolockDeadine: .single(nil), encryptionProvider: OpenSSLEncryptionProvider(), deviceModelName: nil, useBetaFeatures: !buildConfig.isAppStoreBuild, isICloudEnabled: false)

let isLockedMessage: String?
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: appLockStatePath(rootPath: rootPath))), let state = try? JSONDecoder().decode(LockState.self, from: data), isAppLocked(state: state) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1187,7 +1188,7 @@ private final class NotificationServiceHandler {
fetchMediaSignal = Signal { subscriber in
final class DataValue {
var data = Data()
var totalSize: Int64?
var missingRanges = RangeSet<Int64>(0 ..< Int64.max)

let collectedData = Atomic<DataValue>(value: DataValue())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1217,12 +1218,22 @@ private final class NotificationServiceHandler {
useMainConnection: true
).start(next: { result in
switch result {
case let .dataPart(_, data, _, _):
case let .dataPart(offset, data, dataRange, _):
var isCompleted = false
let _ = collectedData.modify { current in
let current = current
if let totalSize = current.totalSize, Int64( >= totalSize {

let fillRange = Int(offset) ..< (Int(offset) + data.count)
if < fillRange.upperBound { = fillRange.upperBound
} { buffer -> Void in
let bytes = buffer.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
data.copyBytes(to: bytes.advanced(by: Int(offset)), from: Int(dataRange.lowerBound) ..< Int(dataRange.upperBound))
current.missingRanges.remove(contentsOf: Int64(fillRange.lowerBound) ..< Int64(fillRange.upperBound))

if current.missingRanges.isEmpty {
isCompleted = true
return current
Expand All @@ -1235,8 +1246,8 @@ private final class NotificationServiceHandler {
var isCompleted = false
let _ = collectedData.modify { current in
let current = current
current.totalSize = size
if Int64( >= size {
current.missingRanges.remove(contentsOf: size ..< Int64.max)
if current.missingRanges.isEmpty {
isCompleted = true
return current
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Telegram/SiriIntents/IntentHandler.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class DefaultIntentHandler: INExtension, INSendMessageIntentHandling, INSearchFo
if let accountCache = accountCache {
account = .single(accountCache)
} else {
account = currentAccount(allocateIfNotExists: false, networkArguments: NetworkInitializationArguments(apiId: apiId, apiHash: apiHash, languagesCategory: languagesCategory, appVersion: appVersion, voipMaxLayer: 0, voipVersions: [], appData: .single(buildConfig.bundleData(withAppToken: nil, signatureDict: nil)), autolockDeadine: .single(nil), encryptionProvider: OpenSSLEncryptionProvider(), deviceModelName: nil, useBetaFeatures: !buildConfig.isAppStoreBuild), supplementary: true, manager: accountManager, rootPath: rootPath, auxiliaryMethods: accountAuxiliaryMethods, encryptionParameters: encryptionParameters)
account = currentAccount(allocateIfNotExists: false, networkArguments: NetworkInitializationArguments(apiId: apiId, apiHash: apiHash, languagesCategory: languagesCategory, appVersion: appVersion, voipMaxLayer: 0, voipVersions: [], appData: .single(buildConfig.bundleData(withAppToken: nil, signatureDict: nil)), autolockDeadine: .single(nil), encryptionProvider: OpenSSLEncryptionProvider(), deviceModelName: nil, useBetaFeatures: !buildConfig.isAppStoreBuild, isICloudEnabled: false), supplementary: true, manager: accountManager, rootPath: rootPath, auxiliaryMethods: accountAuxiliaryMethods, encryptionParameters: encryptionParameters)
|> mapToSignal { account -> Signal<Account?, NoError> in
if let account = account {
switch account {
Expand Down

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