## ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.1.1 ✔ purrr 0.3.2
## ✔ tibble 2.1.1 ✔ dplyr
## ✔ tidyr 0.8.3 ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr 1.3.1 ✔ forcats 0.4.0
## ── Conflicts ──────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
## Loading required package: rstan
## Loading required package: StanHeaders
## rstan (Version 2.18.2, GitRev: 2e1f913d3ca3)
## For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
## options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
## To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs, we recommend calling
## rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
## Attaching package: 'rstan'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
## extract
## Loading required package: parallel
## rethinking (Version 1.88)
## Attaching package: 'rethinking'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
## map
State the three motivating criteria that define information entropy. Try to express each in your own words.
Entropy is a measure of uncertainity. We want any measure of uncertainity to be:
- Continuous, so that changes in parameters or distributions do not cause unessecarily large changes in our measure.
- Increase as the number of possible outcomes increases. If more things can happen, then there is less certainity about what will happen.
- Need to be additive, so that we can combine multiple events.
Suppose a coin is weighted such that, when it is tossed and lands on a table, it comes up heads 70% of the time. What is the entropy of this coin?
p <- c(.7, .3)
## [1] 0.6108643
Suppose a four-sided die is loaded such that, when tossed onto a table, it shows "1" 20%, "2" 25%, "3" 25%, and "4" 30% of the time. What is the entropy of this die?
p <- c(.2, .25, .25, .3)
## [1] 1
## [1] 1.376227
Suppose another four-sided die is loaded such that it never shows "4". The other three sides show equally often. What is the entropy of this die?
p <- c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3)
## [1] 1
## [1] 1.098612
Write down and compare the definitions of AIC, DIC, and WAIC. Which of these criteria is most general? Which assumptions are required to transform a more general criterion into a less general one?
These are all ways of approximating out-of-sample deviance.
Assumes: * Flat priors (or priors overwhelmed by observations) * Observations >> parameters * Gaussian posterior
DIC DIC not really discussed in this version of the book, however:
Assumes: * Observations >> parameters * Gaussian posterior
Assumes: * ?? Observations >> parameters ??
Explain the difference between model selection and model averaging. What information is lost under model selection? What information is lost under model averaging?
model selection: pick the best model by some criteria. model averaging: average across multiple models, weighted by some criteria.
in selection, we lose information from what is still a well-supported model and thus are ignoring some uncertainity.
in averaging we may lose out ability to make the best possible predictions?
When comparing models with an information criterion, why must all models be fit to exactly the same observations? What would happen to the information criterion values, if the models were fit to different numbers of observations? Perform some experiments, if you are not sure.
Because we are summing log probabilities across observations, more observations (with the same model) will always lead to higher deviance / lower lppd.
What happens to the effective number of parameters, as measured by DIC or WAIC, as a prior becomes more concentrated? Why? Perform some experiments, if you are not sure.
The effective number of paramters will decrease
Provide an informal explanation of why informative priors reduce overfitting.
informative priors require more evidence to push a coefficient away from zero.
Provide an information explanation of why overly informative priors result in underfitting
If too informative, the priors can overwhelm the evidence and force coefficients to remain near 0
birbs <- tibble(
## # A tibble: 5 x 4
## Birb Island1 Island2 Island3
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 A 0.2 0.8 0.05
## 2 B 0.2 0.1 0.15
## 3 C 0.2 0.05 0.7
## 4 D 0.2 0.025 0.05
## 5 E 0.2 0.025 0.05
entropy <- function(x) {
(island_entropies <- apply(birbs[,-1],2,entropy))
## Island1 Island2 Island3
## 1.6094379 0.7430039 0.9836003
There is the highest entropy, that is the highest uncertainity about which birb you might see, on Island 1
KLdivergence <- function(pname,qname, data=birbs) {
p=get(pname, data)
q=get(qname, data)
-sum(p*log(p/q)) # where p is the true distribution and q is what we are using to predict
Islands <- colnames(birbs)[-1]
results.frame <- expand.grid(predictor_q=Islands,
predictee_p=Islands,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
results.frame <- results.frame %>%
mutate(KLdiv = map2_dbl(predictee_p, predictor_q, ~ KLdivergence(.x, .y)))
## pname Island1NULL
## pname Island1NULL
## pname Island1NULL
## pname Island2NULL
## pname Island2NULL
## pname Island2NULL
## pname Island3NULL
## pname Island3NULL
## pname Island3NULL
results.frame %>% filter(KLdiv!=0) %>% arrange(predictee_p, desc(KLdiv))
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## predictor_q predictee_p KLdiv
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Island3 Island1 -0.639
## 2 Island2 Island1 -0.970
## 3 Island1 Island2 -0.866
## 4 Island3 Island2 -2.01
## 5 Island1 Island3 -0.626
## 6 Island2 Island3 -1.84
For each case, the island with the higher entropy is the better predictor, because it is less likely to be surprised
Recall the marriage, age, and happiness collider bias example from Chapter 6. Run models m6.9 and m6.10 again. Compare these two models using WAIC (or LOO, they will produce identical results). Which model is expected to make better predictions? Which model provides the correct causal inference about the influence of age on happiness? Can you explain why the answers to these two questions disagree?
## R code 6.22
d <- sim_happiness( seed=1977 , N_years=1000 )
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5% histogram
## age 3.300000e+01 18.768883 4.000000 62.000000 ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
## married 3.007692e-01 0.458769 0.000000 1.000000 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▃
## happiness -1.000070e-16 1.214421 -1.789474 1.789474 ▇▅▇▅▅▇▅▇
## R code 6.23
d2 <- d[ d$age>17 , ] # only adults
d2$A <- ( d2$age - 18 ) / ( 65 - 18 )
## R code 6.24
d2$mid <- d2$married + 1
m6.9 <- quap(
happiness ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- a[mid] + bA*A,
a[mid] ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 ),
bA ~ dnorm( 0 , 2 ),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=d2 )
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
## a[1] -0.2350877 0.06348986 -0.3365568 -0.1336186
## a[2] 1.2585517 0.08495989 1.1227694 1.3943340
## bA -0.7490274 0.11320112 -0.9299447 -0.5681102
## sigma 0.9897080 0.02255800 0.9536559 1.0257600
## R code 6.25
m6.10 <- quap(
happiness ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- a + bA*A,
a ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 ),
bA ~ dnorm( 0 , 2 ),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=d2 )
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
## a 1.649248e-07 0.07675015 -0.1226614 0.1226617
## bA -2.728620e-07 0.13225976 -0.2113769 0.2113764
## sigma 1.213188e+00 0.02766080 1.1689803 1.2573949
plot(coeftab(m6.9, m6.10))
compare(m6.9, m6.10)
## WAIC pWAIC dWAIC weight SE dSE
## m6.9 2713.971 3.738532 0.0000 1.000000e+00 37.54465 NA
## m6.10 3101.906 2.340445 387.9347 5.768312e-85 27.74379 35.40032
model 6.9 is best by WAIC. This is because the generative model has marriage as a collider, so marriage relates happiness to age.
Reconsider the urban fox analysis from last week's homework. Use WAIC or LOO based model comparison on five different models, each using weight as the outcome, and containing these sets of predictor variables: (1) avgfood + groupsize + area (2) avgfood + groupsize (3) groupsize + area (4) avgfood (5) area Can you explain the relative differences in WAIC scores, using the fox DAG from last week's homework? Be sure to pay attention to the standard error of the score differences (dSE).
foxdag <- dagitty("dag {
area -> avgfood
avgfood -> groupsize
avgfood -> weight
groupsize -> weight
coordinates(foxdag) <- list(
x=c(area=1, avgfood=0, groupsize=2, weight=1),
y=c(area=0, avgfood=1, groupsize=1, weight=2))
## group avgfood groupsize area weight
## 1 1 0.37 2 1.09 5.02
## 2 1 0.37 2 1.09 2.84
## 3 2 0.53 2 2.05 5.33
## 4 2 0.53 2 2.05 6.07
## 5 3 0.49 2 2.12 5.85
## 6 3 0.49 2 2.12 3.25
foxes2 <- foxes %>%
mutate_at(vars(-group), scale)
## group avgfood groupsize area weight
## 1 1 -1.924829 -1.524089 -2.239596 0.4141347
## 2 1 -1.924829 -1.524089 -2.239596 -1.4270464
## 3 2 -1.118035 -1.524089 -1.205508 0.6759540
## 4 2 -1.118035 -1.524089 -1.205508 1.3009421
## 5 3 -1.319734 -1.524089 -1.130106 1.1151348
## 6 3 -1.319734 -1.524089 -1.130106 -1.0807692
m1 <- quap(alist(
weight ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- alpha + bF*avgfood + bG*groupsize + bA*area,
alpha ~ dnorm(0,.2),
bF ~ dnorm(0,.5),
bG ~ dnorm(0,.5),
bA ~ dnorm(0,.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)),
m2 <- quap(alist(
weight ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- alpha + bF*avgfood + bG*groupsize,
alpha ~ dnorm(0,.2),
bF ~ dnorm(0,.5),
bG ~ dnorm(0,.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)),
m3 <- quap(alist(
weight ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- alpha + bG*groupsize + bA*area,
alpha ~ dnorm(0,.2),
bG ~ dnorm(0,.5),
bA ~ dnorm(0,.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)),
m4 <- quap(alist(
weight ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- alpha + bF*avgfood,
alpha ~ dnorm(0,.2),
bF ~ dnorm(0,.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)),
m5 <- quap(alist(
weight ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- alpha + bA*area,
alpha ~ dnorm(0,.2),
bA ~ dnorm(0,.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)),
compare(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5)
## WAIC pWAIC dWAIC weight SE dSE
## m1 322.8847 4.656959 0.000000 0.465363694 16.27783 NA
## m3 323.8985 3.718565 1.013749 0.280323674 15.68240 2.899417
## m2 324.1284 3.859897 1.243666 0.249881396 16.13964 3.598475
## m4 333.4444 2.426279 10.559695 0.002370193 13.78855 7.193396
## m5 333.7239 2.650636 10.839215 0.002061043 13.79447 7.242069
m1,2,3 are equivalent by weight. Arguallably all the models are the same.
I can't really explain this. I would have that that 2 would be better than 1, for example since 2 is simple and area doesn't have a direct impact on weight...
## R code 7.1
sppnames <- c( "afarensis","africanus","habilis","boisei",
brainvolcc <- c( 438 , 452 , 612, 521, 752, 871, 1350 )
masskg <- c( 37.0 , 35.5 , 34.5 , 41.5 , 55.5 , 61.0 , 53.5 )
d <- data.frame( species=sppnames , brain=brainvolcc , mass=masskg )
## R code 7.2
d$mass_std <- (d$mass - mean(d$mass))/sd(d$mass)
d$brain_std <- d$brain / max(d$brain)
## R code 7.3
m7.1 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log_sigma) ),
mu <- a + b*mass_std,
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
b ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
log_sigma ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 )
), data=d )
## R code 7.4
s <- sim( m7.1 )
r <- apply(s,2,mean) - d$brain_std
resid_var <- var2(r)
outcome_var <- var2( d$brain_std )
1 - resid_var/outcome_var
## [1] 0.4774589
## R code 7.5
R2_is_bad <- function( quap_fit ) {
s <- sim( quap_fit , refresh=0 )
r <- apply(s,2,mean) - d$brain_std
1 - var2(r)/var2(d$brain_std)
## R code 7.6
m7.2 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log_sigma) ),
mu <- a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2,
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
b ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
log_sigma ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 )
), data=d , start=list(b=rep(0,2)) )
## R code 7.7
m7.3 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log_sigma) ),
mu <- a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2 +
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
b ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
log_sigma ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 )
), data=d , start=list(b=rep(0,3)) )
m7.4 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log_sigma) ),
mu <- a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2 +
b[3]*mass_std^3 + b[4]*mass_std^4,
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
b ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
log_sigma ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 )
), data=d , start=list(b=rep(0,4)) )
m7.5 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log_sigma) ),
mu <- a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2 +
b[3]*mass_std^3 + b[4]*mass_std^4 +
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
b ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 ),
log_sigma ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 )
), data=d , start=list(b=rep(0,5)) )
## R code 7.8
m7.6 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , 0.001 ),
mu <- a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2 +
b[3]*mass_std^3 + b[4]*mass_std^4 +
b[5]*mass_std^5 + b[6]*mass_std^6,
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
b ~ dnorm( 0 , 10 )
), data=d , start=list(b=rep(0,6)) )
## R code 7.9
post <- extract.samples(m7.1)
mass_seq <- seq( from=min(d$mass_std) , to=max(d$mass_std) , length.out=100 )
l <- link( m7.1 , data=list( mass_std=mass_seq ) )
mu <- apply( l , 2 , mean )
ci <- apply( l , 2 , PI )
plot( brain_std ~ mass_std , data=d )
lines( mass_seq , mu )
shade( ci , mass_seq )
## R code 7.10
m7.1_OLS <- lm( brain_std ~ mass_std , data=d )
post <- extract.samples( m7.1_OLS )
## R code 7.11
m7.7 <- quap(
brain_std ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log_sigma) ),
mu <- a,
a ~ dnorm( 0.5 , 1 ),
log_sigma ~ dnorm( 0 , 1 )
), data=d )
## R code 7.12
#d_minus_i <- d[ -i , ]
## R code 7.13
p <- c( 0.3 , 0.7 )
-sum( p*log(p) )
## [1] 0.6108643
## R code 7.14
lppd( m7.1 , n=1e4 )
## [1] 0.6098662 0.6483431 0.5496084 0.6234929 0.4648139 0.4347599
## [7] -0.8444621
## R code 7.15
logprob <- sim( m7.1 , ll=TRUE , n=1e4 )
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,] 0.5633620 0.7001151 0.9653876 0.6593738 0.8085213 0.9116704
## [2,] 0.4205889 0.5069908 0.7337391 0.5147644 0.6675693 0.7243332
## [3,] 0.8334092 0.9220774 0.9443591 0.9265666 1.0305145 1.0078584
## [4,] 0.3185748 0.3183588 0.2070552 0.3170005 0.2727475 0.2083451
## [5,] 0.3130858 0.4259730 0.6880972 0.3463322 0.3634269 0.4484065
## [6,] 0.8519016 0.9494452 0.8960925 0.8858418 0.9091610 0.9761487
## [,7]
## [1,] -2.1369468
## [2,] -1.3346455
## [3,] -3.9686313
## [4,] -1.4528380
## [5,] -0.4730215
## [6,] -2.8414672
head(logprob) %>% exp()
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
## [1,] 1.756568 2.013984 2.625805 1.933581 2.244587 2.488476 0.11801461
## [2,] 1.522858 1.660288 2.082854 1.673244 1.949493 2.063355 0.26325147
## [3,] 2.301150 2.514509 2.571165 2.525822 2.802507 2.739727 0.01889928
## [4,] 1.375166 1.374869 1.230050 1.373003 1.313569 1.231638 0.23390551
## [5,] 1.367639 1.531079 1.989926 1.413872 1.438250 1.565815 0.62311667
## [6,] 2.344100 2.584276 2.450011 2.425025 2.482239 2.654214 0.05834001
## [1] 10000 7
n <- ncol(logprob)
ns <- nrow(logprob)
f <- function( i ) log_sum_exp( logprob[,i] ) - log(ns)
( lppd <- sapply( 1:n , f ) )
## [1] 0.6098662 0.6483431 0.5496084 0.6234929 0.4648139 0.4347599
## [7] -0.8444621
## R code 7.16
sapply( list(m7.1,m7.2,m7.3,m7.4,m7.5,m7.6) , function(m) sum(lppd(m)) )
## [1] 2.490387 2.566165 3.707343 5.333750 14.090061 39.445390
## R code 7.17
N <- 20
kseq <- 1:5
dev <- sapply( kseq , function(k) {
r <- replicate( 1e4 , sim_train_test( N=N, k=k ) );
c( mean(r[1,]) , mean(r[2,]) , sd(r[1,]) , sd(r[2,]) )
} )
## R code 7.18
r <- mcreplicate( 1e4 , sim_train_test( N=N, k=k ) , mc.cores=4 )
## R code 7.19
plot( 1:5 , dev[1,] , ylim=c( min(dev[1:2,])-5 , max(dev[1:2,])+10 ) ,
xlim=c(1,5.1) , xlab="number of parameters" , ylab="deviance" ,
pch=16 , col=rangi2 )
mtext( concat( "N = ",N ) )
points( (1:5)+0.1 , dev[2,] )
for ( i in kseq ) {
pts_in <- dev[1,i] + c(-1,+1)*dev[3,i]
pts_out <- dev[2,i] + c(-1,+1)*dev[4,i]
lines( c(i,i) , pts_in , col=rangi2 )
lines( c(i,i)+0.1 , pts_out )
Generate a model with which to compute WAIC. Fit it and extract posterior
## R code 7.20
m <- quap(
dist ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
mu <- a + b*speed,
a ~ dnorm(0,100),
b ~ dnorm(0,10),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=cars )
post <- extract.samples(m,n=1000)
## a b sigma
## 1 -10.70238 3.533277 14.74971
## 2 -15.42891 3.777044 14.03914
## 3 -26.28809 4.525730 11.73609
## 4 -10.09926 3.445379 13.57401
## 5 -24.64794 4.230611 12.72349
## 6 -18.25281 4.110063 13.19583
now we compute the log probability of each observation, across the posterior
## R code 7.21
n_samples <- 1000
logprob <- sapply( 1:n_samples ,
function(s) {
mu <- post$a[s] + post$b[s]*cars$speed
dnorm( cars$dist , mu , post$sigma[s] , log=TRUE )
} )
## [1] 50 2
## [1] 50 1000
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,] -3.614866 -3.574450 -3.758189 -3.534775 -3.754522 -3.540577
## [2,] -3.709345 -3.831003 -4.582095 -3.635408 -4.432797 -3.899507
## [3,] -3.841397 -3.685461 -3.388641 -3.799460 -3.465273 -3.620816
## [4,] -3.756130 -3.867162 -4.382890 -3.699971 -4.358524 -3.877421
## [5,] -3.615782 -3.564518 -3.515900 -3.532910 -3.605333 -3.504247
## [6,] -3.893186 -3.746864 -3.453282 -3.850046 -3.498673 -3.718068
## [7,] -3.711199 -3.608604 -3.385017 -3.636673 -3.462749 -3.566322
## [8,] -3.614473 -3.594741 -3.561052 -3.534443 -3.677311 -3.527371
## [9,] -3.811927 -3.905591 -4.201745 -3.779560 -4.287209 -3.855961
## [10,] -3.896591 -3.771720 -3.534742 -3.843611 -3.536206 -3.783568
## [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
## [1,] -3.606053 -3.367068 -3.609798 -4.164539
## [2,] -4.020669 -3.602733 -3.706283 -5.131214
## [3,] -3.585640 -3.682045 -3.829585 -3.466798
## [4,] -4.002828 -3.657758 -3.760106 -4.772889
## [5,] -3.551112 -3.370000 -3.609208 -3.738173
## [6,] -3.654632 -3.786579 -3.875190 -3.453690
## [7,] -3.548430 -3.515488 -3.696225 -3.458762
## [8,] -3.592056 -3.377829 -3.612255 -3.754733
## [9,] -3.985313 -3.718550 -3.825377 -4.457407
## [10,] -3.702290 -3.820037 -3.872845 -3.500169
This is 50 X 1000. 50 because there are 50 observations in the data set, and 1000 becuase there are 1000 posterior samples. So each cell is the log probability of that observation for that draw of the posterior
Now, for each sample, we want the average log probability. To this we want to sum the probabilities across the posterior samples and then average. For this, we exponentiate, sum, and then take the log again. Finally we subtract by the log of the number of samples, which is the same as dividing by the number of samples.
## R code 7.22
n_cases <- nrow(cars)
lppd <- sapply( 1:n_cases , function(i) log_sum_exp(logprob[i,]) - log(n_samples) )
## [1] -3.600189 -3.916966 -3.641180 -3.926332 -3.549904 -3.702826 -3.569165
## [8] -3.578237 -3.938716 -3.736602 -3.540342 -4.199923 -3.782043 -3.611949
## [15] -3.530524 -3.681293 -3.521370 -3.521370 -3.953283 -3.889172 -3.525633
## [22] -4.919229 -8.275993 -4.785927 -4.181762 -3.963783 -4.016473 -3.598928
## [29] -4.347313 -3.760050 -3.521005 -3.870145 -3.543283 -4.954458 -6.092207
## [36] -4.744160 -3.866024 -3.853984 -5.786988 -3.994194 -3.751726 -3.596174
## [43] -3.550559 -3.556427 -4.481208 -3.665060 -4.163997 -4.247070 -8.273122
## [50] -3.600384
## [1] -206.8787
now this is the average log probablility of each observation
## R code 7.23
pWAIC <- sapply( 1:n_cases , function(i) var(logprob[i,]) )
## [1] 0.021807469 0.102595906 0.021675045 0.065103316 0.010182235
## [6] 0.022023642 0.010210238 0.011422418 0.038623418 0.017904889
## [11] 0.008809054 0.044313302 0.017392475 0.010415662 0.008028940
## [16] 0.011536682 0.007928842 0.007928842 0.023293655 0.017380105
## [21] 0.007853548 0.096148360 0.961578867 0.081381218 0.030637431
## [26] 0.019603600 0.021805683 0.008620565 0.044587659 0.012852288
## [31] 0.007902755 0.018953339 0.008483631 0.110013693 0.304047618
## [36] 0.101740258 0.021977821 0.022010782 0.311479474 0.035733682
## [41] 0.018915037 0.010697314 0.009223716 0.009718307 0.141402847
## [46] 0.024431421 0.106889888 0.122141297 1.612336788 0.018988397
## [1] 4.780733
For each sample, the variance in its probability across the posterior samples.
## R code 7.24
-2*( sum(lppd) - sum(pWAIC) )
## [1] 423.3188
Compare to WAIC
## [1] 422.1024
## attr(,"lppd")
## [1] -206.8781
## attr(,"pWAIC")
## [1] 4.173077
## attr(,"se")
## [1] 16.9881
## R code 7.25
waic_vec <- -2*( lppd - pWAIC )
sqrt( n_cases*var(waic_vec) )
## [1] 17.81797
## R code 7.33
d <- Primates301
## R code 7.34
d$log_L <- scale( log(d$longevity) )
d$log_B <- scale( log(d$brain) )
d$log_M <- scale( log(d$body) )
## R code 7.35
sapply( d[,c("log_L","log_B","log_M")] , function(x) sum( )
## log_L log_B log_M
## 181 117 63
## R code 7.36
d2 <- d[ complete.cases( d$log_L , d$log_M , d$log_B ) , ]
## [1] 112
## R code 7.37
m7.8 <- quap(
log_L ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- a + bM*log_M + bB*log_B,
a ~ dnorm(0,0.1),
bM ~ dnorm(0,0.5),
bB ~ dnorm(0,0.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=d2 )
prior <- extract.prior(m7.8)
mu.prior <- link(m7.8, post=prior)
## R code 7.38
m7.9 <- quap(
log_L ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- a + bB*log_B,
a ~ dnorm(0,0.1),
bB ~ dnorm(0,0.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=d2 )
m7.10 <- quap(
log_L ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- a + bM*log_M,
a ~ dnorm(0,0.1),
bM ~ dnorm(0,0.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=d2 )
## R code 7.39
compare( m7.8 , m7.9 , m7.10 )
## WAIC pWAIC dWAIC weight SE dSE
## m7.8 216.2302 3.472769 0.0000000 0.5329982525 14.72038 NA
## m7.9 216.4977 2.603017 0.2675287 0.4662648452 14.83677 1.502882
## m7.10 229.3979 2.465381 13.1676363 0.0007369023 16.30284 7.001935
## R code 7.40
plot( compare( m7.8 , m7.9 , m7.10 ) )
## R code 7.41
plot( coeftab( m7.8 , m7.9 , m7.10 ) , pars=c("bM","bB") )
## R code 7.42
cor( d2$log_B , d2$log_M )
## [,1]
## [1,] 0.9796272
## R code 7.43
waic_m7.8 <- WAIC( m7.8 , pointwise=TRUE )
waic_m7.9 <- WAIC( m7.9 , pointwise=TRUE )
## R code 7.44
# compute point scaling
x <- d2$log_B - d2$log_M
x <- x - min(x)
x <- x / max(x)
# draw the plot
plot( waic_m7.8 - waic_m7.9 , d2$log_L ,
xlab="pointwise difference in WAIC" , ylab="log longevity (std)" , pch=21 ,
col=col.alpha("black",0.8) , cex=1+x , lwd=2 , bg=col.alpha(rangi2,0.4) )
abline( v=0 , lty=2 )
abline( h=0 , lty=2 )
## R code 7.45
m7.11 <- quap(
log_B ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- a + bM*log_M + bL*log_L,
a ~ dnorm(0,0.1),
bM ~ dnorm(0,0.5),
bL ~ dnorm(0,0.5),
sigma ~ dexp(1)
) , data=d2 )
precis( m7.11 )
## mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
## a -0.04506873 0.01795371 -0.07376224 -0.01637523
## bM 0.93842037 0.02602549 0.89682661 0.98001413
## bL 0.11549564 0.02723920 0.07196215 0.15902914
## sigma 0.18997589 0.01267748 0.16971483 0.21023695
## R code 7.46
d <- Howell1
d$age <- (d$age - mean(d$age))/sd(d$age)
set.seed( 1000 )
i <- sample(1:nrow(d),size=nrow(d)/2)
d1 <- d[ i , ]
d2 <- d[ -i , ]
## R code 7.47
sum( dnorm( d2$height , mu , sigma , log=TRUE ) )