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Integration Tests for Linux System Roles

CI Status Code style: black


The CI system can be controlled with a few commands as comments in pull requests:

  • [citest] - Trigger a re-test for all machines
  • [citest bad] - Trigger a re-test for all machines with an error or failure status
  • [citest pending] - Trigger a re-test for all machines with a pending status
  • [citest commit:<sha1>] - Whitelist a commit to be tested if the submitter is not trusted

It is also possible to whitelist all commits in a PR with the needs-ci tag. However, this should be only used with trusted submitters since they can still change the commits in the PR.

Deployment Workflow

To make changes to the CI environment, the changes should be first committed to the master branch, and deployed to the staging environment. Once they are confirmed to be working, the changes should be merged to the production branch and deployed to the production environment. For the centos7 based tests, use linux-system-roles-centos7 for production and use linux-system-roles-centos7-staging for staging.


  1. Make changes to master branch.
  2. Git commit.
  3. Git push to your github fork.
  4. Deploy changes to the staging environment.
  5. If you want to test changes to the run-tests script that have not been merged into the upstream master branch:
$ oc edit bc linux-system-roles-staging
# look for the source.git.ref - change the uri to point to your fork
$ oc start-build --follow linux-system-roles-staging
... build logs ...
# if the build succeeds, a new staging pod should rollout - the
# dc has a trigger on new images - if not, do this
$ oc rollout latest dc/linux-system-roles-staging
  1. Test one or more PRs to ensure that the staging changes are working. Be sure to check the staging pod logs for problems too.
  2. If there are errors in building or testing, repeat from Step 1.
  3. Submit a PR against test-harness in github for the master branch.
  4. Once the PR is merged, git pull the changes to your local master branch.
  5. Deploy the changes to the staging environment. (If you edited the buildconfig to test your unmerged changes, this step will replace them)
  6. Merge the changes from the master branch to production branch and submit a PR against test-harness in github for the production branch.
  7. Once the PR is merged, git pull the changes to your local production branch.
  8. Deploy the changes to the production environment.


A podman container which runs integration tests for open pull requests on linux system roles repositories. It runs all playbooks matching tests/tests*.yml (intentionally identical to the pattern used in the Fedora Standard Test Interface) of the repository against various virtual machines.

If using OpenShift, see below.

To build a container for local testing, run

buildah [--log-level debug] bud -f Dockerfile[.ext] -t lsr:{latest,$name} .

If buildah seems to hang, Ctrl-C, then rerun with the log level. For example

buildah --log-level debug bud -f Dockerfile -t lsr:latest .

You can also use podman or docker.

podman build -t linuxsystemroles/test-harness:latest .

If podman isn't working, try docker:

sudo docker build -t linuxsystemroles/test-harness:latest .

Multiple of these containers can be started in parallel. They try to not step on each others feet by synchronizing via GitHub commit statuses.

The test runner needs a config.json in the /config mount, which specifies the repositories to monitor for open pull requests, the cloud images to use, a location where to copy (via ssh) the test results to, and a publicly accessible URL for these results. For example:

  "repositories": [
  "images": [
      "name": "fedora-27",
      "source": "",
      "upload_results": true,
      "setup": "dnf install -yv python2 python2-dnf libselinux-python"
      "name": "fedora-28",
      "source": "",
      "upload_results": true,
      "min_ansible_version": "2.7",
      "setup": [
          "name": "Setup",
          "hosts": "all",
          "become": true,
          "gather_facts": false,
          "tasks": [
            {"raw": "dnf install -yv python2 python2-dnf libselinux-python"}
      "name": "centos-6",
      "source": "",
      "upload_results": true
      "name": "centos-7",
      "source": "",
      "upload_results": true
  "results": {
    "destination": "",
    "public_url": ""
  "logging": {
    "level": "WARNING",
    "filename": "/var/log/test-harness_HOSTNAME.log",
    "format": "%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
    "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z",
    "style": "%",
    "file_level": "NOTSET",
    "stderr_level": "WARNING"

The setup key contains either a list of Ansible plays which will be saved as a playbook and executed before the test run, or a single shell command which will be executed using the Ansible raw module (so the two examples above are exactly equivalent).

Use the min_ansible_version key to indicate the minimum version of ansible that can be used. For example, if you need to use ansible version 2.8 or later to manage Fedora 32 hosts, use something like this:

      "name": "fedora-32",
      "source": "",
      "upload_results": true,
      "min_ansible_version": "2.8"

This means the CI environment will run tests using only ansible 2.8 or later to manage Fedora 32 hosts.

The container needs a /secrets mount, which must contain these files:

  • github-token: A GitHub access token with public_repo, repo:status and read:org scopes. The read:org permission is required to identify users as members to organiziations in case they set their organization membership to private. Without it, the test harness can still update CI status but might ignore pull requests or command comments unexpectedly.
  • id_rsa and A ssh key with to access the server in results.destination.
  • known_hosts: A ssh known_hosts file which contains the public key of that server.

The test runner writes images into the /cache mount and reuses existing ones.

The container must have access to /dev/kvm for fast virtualization.

Running on OpenShift

In this section we first describe how to setup an OpenShift environment and run the CI system on it. Then we give several tips concerning maintenance the entire system and backing up important data.

Preparing OpenShift Environment

In our use case, we create OpenShift project with two deployments. The first one will be used for testing and will be based on stable version of the CI. The second one, based on staging version of the CI, will be used to test new features of the CI before they will become part of the stable version (i.e. before merging them into the master branch).

Before start, get the config.json and config-staging.json. Then create an empty directory and put the secrets inside it (files github-token, id_rsa, and known_hosts discussed before). The requirements put on config{,-staging}.json and secrets were discussed above.

In what follows, suppose you have set following environment variables:

  • PROJECT_NAME: A name of OpenShift project.
  • CONFIG_PATH: A path to directory with config.json and config-staging.json
  • SECRETS_PATH: A path to the directory with secrets.
  • SCC_NAME: The name of the SecurityContextConstraints that you will add your ServiceAccount to for privileged operations (e.g. privileged)

First, you need to be logged on (replace [URL] with a real URL of your OpenShift server):

$ oc login [URL]

Installing CI System in OpenShift using Ansible

NOTE: Ansible will be running all of the commands on localhost, instead of executing the tasks remotely in the cluster. That is, the Ansible playbook will be using the oc OpenShift command line tool, and the python OpenShift API library, to execute API calls in the OpenShift cluster to provision and configure the resources in the OpenShift cluster. So make sure you are logged into the OpenShift cluster first:

$ oc login [URL]

Then execute the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook [-e test_harness_secrets_dir=$SECRETS_PATH] \
    [-e test_harness_config_dir=$CONFIG_PATH] \
    -e test_harness_scc=$SCC_NAME \


  • test_harness_secrets_dir - Default $HOME/rhel-system-roles/test-harness-config/secrets - See SECRETS_PATH
  • test_harness_config_dir - Default $HOME/rhel-system-roles/test-harness-config/config - See CONFIG_PATH
  • test_harness_scc - Required - See SCC_NAME
  • test_harness_namespace - Default lsr-test-harness
  • test_harness_sa - Default system:serviceaccount:{{ test_harness_namespace }}:tester
  • test_harness_need_node_selector - Default true
  • test_harness_run_as_root - Default true
  • test_harness_node_selector - Default {"system-roles-ci": "true"}
  • test_harness_use_staging - Default true if on the staging branch, false otherwise
  • test_harness_use_production - Default false - Must explicitly set and be on the production/master branch

The environment, staging or production, that will be deployed/updated depends on which git branch you have checked out. If you are on the staging branch (currently master), then the playbook will deploy/update the staging environment. If you are on the production branch (currently production), and have explicitly set test_harness_use_production to true, then the playbook will deploy/update the production environment. You will get an error if not on one of these branches. You will get an error if you have uncommitted git changes (see git status -uno --porcelain). It will also change the DeploymentConfig to use the nodeSelector above, and will configure the DeploymentConfig to run as root.

Installing CI System manually using OpenShift commands

Make sure you are logged into the OpenShift cluster first:

$ oc login [URL]

Create a fresh OpenShift project:

$ oc new-project ${PROJECT_NAME} --display-name=${PROJECT_NAME}

The --display-name parameter is optional and it is what is displayed in OpenShift web console.

If you have already OpenShift project created and you want to use it, you can select it by typing:

$ oc project ${PROJECT_NAME}

Now its time to create objects. Type:

$ oc create -f ./openshift-objects.yml

This will create ServiceAccount object named tester and ImageStream and DeploymentConfig objects both named linux-system-roles for us, just as they are specified in ./openshift-objects.yml. Be careful: if some of the object does exist so far, the create command ends with an error. In this case, you can use replace command to just replace the existing object (suppose that ./openshift-object.yml contains a specification of object to be replaced):

$ oc replace -f ./openshift-object.yml

Because we need also staging deployment, lets create DeploymentConfig object named linux-system-roles-staging:

$ oc create -f ./openshift-objects-staging.yml

Note: If ImageStream was created from an older version of ./openshift-objects.yml, it is possible that staging tag is missing. To check this, please type (is refers to ImageStreams resource, linux-system-roles is the name of ImageStream we want to inspect):

$ oc get is linux-system-roles -o jsonpath='{range .spec.tags[*]}{.name}{"\n"}{end}'

If you are not seeing staging in the above command output, then you must add staging tag by yourself. To do this, type:

$ ./add-staging-tag linux-system-roles

and now you should have staging tag in your linux-system-roles image stream.

The CI system launches virtual machines (VMs for short), so the container needs to have /dev/kvm device (in other words, the container must be privileged). Containers are launched using service account named tester. Such account must be present in a list of privileged account. If you are a cluster-admin, you can simply type

$ oc edit scc $SCC_NAME

and then add under the users list a user with the name tester. Please keep the following format for items in the users list:


Tip: oc edit will open file to be edited in vi, which is a default editor. To change this behavior, set OC_EDITOR environment variable to point to your favorite editor.

If you are done with editing, the snippet from your editor should looks like this (if you named your project lsr-test-harness):

  - system:serviceaccount:lsr-test-harness:tester

After you save and quit the editor, tester should become the new privileged user. You can check this with

$ oc get scc -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(.allowPrivilegedContainer==true)].users[*]}{@}{"\n"}{end}' | grep -Ee ':tester$'

If you are not a cluster-admin, ask someone more powerful to make tester privileged user for you.

Some OpenShift servers selects nodes in which deployments should run according to node selectors. For example, if you need to run your deployments on bare metal node and OpenShift server selects such a node for deployments that have node selector set to system-roles-ci = "true", run the following command for both linux-system-roles and linux-system-roles-staging deployment configs:

$ ./apply-node-selectors linux-system-roles
$ ./apply-node-selectors linux-system-roles-staging

If you need to run containers as a root, run:

$ ./grant-root-privileges linux-system-roles
$ ./grant-root-privileges linux-system-roles-staging

Now its time to create ConfigMap and Secret objects. This will create two ConfigMap objects named config and config-staging and one Secret object named secrets:

$ oc create configmap config --from-file=config.json=${CONFIG_PATH}/config.json
$ oc create configmap config-staging --from-file=config.json=${CONFIG_PATH}/config-staging.json
$ oc create secret generic secrets --from-file=${SECRETS_PATH}

Once all required objects are created, import the images to kick up our deployments:

$ oc import-image linux-system-roles
$ oc import-image linux-system-roles:staging

Congratulations! Now you can check via OpenShift web console that the things are properly set up. You can browse the statuses, scale a number of pods in each deployment up or down and do many other operations.


If you want to turn on debug logging for a particular deployment, just set TEST_HARNESS_DEBUG=true in the deployment config e.g. oc set env dc/linux-system-roles TEST_HARNESS_DEBUG=true

If you need to do more fine-grained log level setting, use oc edit configmap config or oc edit configmap config-staging and edit the "logging" section - change both the "level" and the "stderr_level" or "file_level". You will need to rollout the dc for the change to go into effect (there is no trigger for configmap changes):

$ oc edit configmap config
$ oc rollout latest dc/linux-system-roles
$ oc get pods -w

For staging:

$ oc edit configmap config-staging
$ oc rollout latest dc/linux-system-roles-staging
$ oc get pods -w

When using file logging e.g.

  "logging": {
    "filename": "/var/log/test-harness_HOSTNAME.log",
    "file_level": "DEBUG",

The file is written inside the container. If you want to see the file, you will need to use oc exec or oc rsh:

$ oc get pods
NAME                                  READY     STATUS       RESTARTS   AGE
linux-system-roles-12-ddtrs           1/1       Running      57         55d
$ oc exec linux-system-roles-12-ddtrs -- cat /var/log/test-harness_linux-system-roles-12-ddtrs.log

run-tests Command Line Args and Environment Variables

The run-tests script can be controlled via command line arguments, environment variables, and the config.json config file. When running in a pod in a Kubernetes/OpenShift environment, the easiest way to customize the pod is via environment variables. The environment variables correspond to the command line arguments to run-tests. In general, the name of the environment variable is the name of the command line argument, in all upper case, with _ instead of -, and with the prefix TEST_HARNESS_. For example, the command line option --use-images can be set via the env. var. TEST_HARNESS_USE_IMAGES. See run-tests usage for the complete list.

The precedence is:

  • command line args are highest precedence
  • environment variables are next highest
  • settings in the config.json file are next highest
  • defaults are lowest precedence

For example, in a running OpenShift cluster, if you wanted to use a custom variant in the string used for the PR status:

oc set env dc/linux-system-roles-staging TEST_HARNESS_VARIANT=my_custom_name

This will cause the staging pods to be redeployed and use my_custom_name for the PR status reporting string e.g. centos-7/ansible-29 (my_custom_name). To reset:

oc set env dc/linux-system-roles-staging TEST_HARNESS_VARIANT-


Test harness for linux system roles







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