- ci: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#166)
- ci: Use Fedora 41, drop Fedora 39 (#167)
- ci: Use Fedora 41, drop Fedora 39 - part two (#168)
- ci: Add workflow for ci_test bad, use remote fmf plan (#158)
- ci: Fix missing slash in ARTIFACTS_URL (#159)
- ci: Add tags to TF workflow, allow more [citest bad] formats (#160)
- ci: ansible-test action now requires ansible-core version (#161)
- ci: add YAML header to github action workflow files (#162)
- refactor: Use vars/RedHat_N.yml symlink for CentOS, Rocky, Alma wherever possible (#164)
- fix: Remove hard dependency on selinux and firewall roles (#154)
- ci: Add tft plan and workflow (#152)
- ci: Update fmf plan to add a separate job to prepare managed nodes (#155)
- ci: Bump sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action from 2 to 3 (#156)
- fix: add support for EL10 (#150)
- ci: ansible-lint action now requires absolute directory (#149)
- ci: use tox-lsr 3.3.0 which uses ansible-test 2.17 (#144)
- ci: tox-lsr 3.4.0 - fix py27 tests; move other checks to py310 (#146)
- ci: Add supported_ansible_also to .ansible-lint (#147)
- ci: Bump ansible/ansible-lint from 6 to 24 (#141)
- ci: Bump mathieudutour/github-tag-action from 6.1 to 6.2 (#142)
- fix: Allow tangd socket override directory to be managed outside of the role (#139)
- ci: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#136)
- ci: fix python unit test - copy pytest config to tests/unit (#137)
- ci: Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (#130)
- ci: Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#131)
- ci: support ansible-lint and ansible-test 2.16 (#132)
- tests: perform cleanup after each test (#133)
- ci: Use supported ansible-lint action; run ansible-lint against the collection (#134)
- ci: bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7 (#127)
- refactor: get_ostree_data.sh use env shebang - remove from .sanity* (#128)
- feat: support for ostree systems (#124)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#116)
- ci: ensure dependabot git commit message conforms to commitlint (#119)
- ci: tox-lsr version 3.1.1 (#123)
ci: Add markdownlint, test_converting_readme, and build_docs workflows (#112)
- markdownlint runs against README.md to avoid any issues with converting it to HTML
- test_converting_readme converts README.md > HTML and uploads this test artifact to ensure that conversion works fine
- build_docs converts README.md > HTML and pushes the result to the docs branch to publish dosc to GitHub pages site.
- Fix markdown issues in README.md
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian spetrosi@redhat.com
docs: Make badges consistent, run markdownlint on all .md files (#113)
- Consistently generate badges for GH workflows in README RHELPLAN-146921
- Run markdownlint on all .md files
- Add custom-woke-action if not used already
- Rename woke action to Woke for a pretty badge
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian spetrosi@redhat.com
ci: Remove badges from README.md prior to converting to HTML (#114)
- Remove thematic break after badges
- Remove badges from README.md prior to converting to HTML
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian spetrosi@redhat.com
- fix: facts being gathered unnecessarily (#110)
- ci: Add pull request template and run commitlint on PR title only (#105)
- ci: Rename commitlint to PR title Lint, echo PR titles from env var (#106)
- ci: fix python 2.7 CI tests by manually installing python2.7 package (#107)
- ci: ansible-lint - ignore var-naming[no-role-prefix] (#108)
- ci: ansible-test ignores file for ansible-core 2.15 (#109)
- fix: README.md headers should not be more than 72 characters
- docs: Consistent contributing.md for all roles - allow role specific contributing.md section
- docs: use Collection requirements section in README
- test: check generated files for ansible_managed, fingerprint
- ci: Add commitlint GitHub action to ensure conventional commits with feedback
- Add README-ansible.md to refer Ansible intro page on linux-system-roles.github.io
- Fingerprint RHEL System Role managed config files
- none
- none
- Skip the check for firewall --list-all - not needed
- none
- fix some more Jinja constructs (#83)
These were causing issues on older platforms with older versions of Jinja.
- Create separate github actions for various checks; get rid of monolithic tox.yml (#82)
- none
- ansible-lint 6.x fixes (#75)
- Add check for non-inclusive language (#74)
- update ignore files for ansible-test 2.14
- none
- fix behavior of manage_firewall and manage_selinux; ansible-lint 6.x (#69)
If nbde_server_manage_firewall: true
, manage firewall for the port,
even if not using a custom port.
If nbde_server_manage_selinux: true
, manage SELinux for the port,
even if not using a custom port.
Clean up role for ansible-lint 6.x
If using the default port, remove the tangd socket file and systemd
directory, if any, and reload systemd.
Add test to check resetting the port works
Improve test to check for port to handle cases where there are processes
running on the test system with similar ports open
- none
Add support for custom ports (#38)
Introduce nbde_server_manage_firewall and nbde_server_manage_selinux to manage the custom ports implemented in "Add support for custom ports (#38)"
If nbde_server_manage_firewall is set to true, use the firewall role to manage the nbde server port.
If nbde_server_manage_selinux is set to true, use the selinux role to manage the nbde server port.
- none
- none
- none
- none
- make all tests work with gather_facts: false (#55)
Ensure the test works when using ANSIBLE_GATHERING=explicit
- make min_ansible_version a string in meta/main.yml (#56)
The Ansible developers say that min_ansible_version
in meta/main.yml
must be a string
value like "2.9"
, not a float
value like 2.9
- Add CHANGELOG.md (#57)
- none
- none
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.11.0; remove py37; add py310
- support gather_facts: false; support setup-snapshot.yml
- none
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.10.1
- none
- none
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.8.3
- change recursive role symlink to individual role dir symlinks
- support python 39, ansible-core 2.12, ansible-plugin-scan
- fix python black issues
- update tox-lsr version to 2.7.1
- make role work with ansible-core-2.11 ansible-lint and ansible-test
- use apt-get install -y
- Drop support for Ansible 2.8 by bumping the Ansible version to 2.9
- none
- none
- none
- Fix ansible-test errors
- Fix issues found by ansible-test and linters - enable all tests on all repos - remove suppressions
- Remove python-26 environment from tox testing
- update to tox-lsr 2.4.0 - add support for ansible-test with docker
- CI: Add support for RHEL-9
- Add centos8
- Fix centos6 repos; use standard centos images
- use tox-lsr 2.2.0
- use molecule v3, drop v2
- Make the var load test compatible with old Jinja2 (2.7)
- remove ansible 2.7 support from molecule
- use tox for ansible-lint instead of molecule
- use new tox-lsr plugin
- use github actions instead of travis
- none
- none
- meta/main.yml: CI - add support for Fedora 33
- lock ansible-lint version at 4.3.5; suppress role name lint warning
- sync collections related changes from template to nbde_server role