🤠 Javascript SDK for Linkvite. Requires Node.js 12+. Inspired by Hop
NB: Only pro accounts can use the API with an API key. If you're on a free account, you'll need to use a personal access token.
Create an API key or personal access token.
import {Linkvite} from '@linkvite/js';
// with API key
const myKey = 'random-super-secret-key';
const linkvite = new Linkvite(myKey);
// or
const linkvite = new Linkvite({key: myKey});
// or with personal access token
const myToken = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...';
const linkvite = new Linkvite({
token: myToken,
// example: Creating a new bookmark
const bookmark = await linkvite.bookmarks.create('https://example.com');
// or
const bookmark = await linkvite.bookmarks.createFromEntry({
title: 'My Bookmark',
url: 'https://example.com',
tags: ['example', 'test'],
// example: Sending a collection invite.
const invite = await linkvite.invites.create({
collection: 'id-of-my-collection',
recipients: ['john-doe', 'jane@doe.com'], // usernames or emails
message: 'Check out my collection!',
role: 'viewer', // viewer, or admin. defaults to viewer.
Access token expires after 30 minutes. You can refresh it with linkvite.refreshToken()
. This will return new access and refresh tokens, and also update the token
property on the Linkvite