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The fundamental package for scientific research in optimization.[?]

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  optimtool adopts theoretical frameworks in book <Optimization: Modeling, Algorithms and Theory> published by Peking University Press, Numpy is used to handle operations between numerical arrays efficiently. Applied jacobian and methods of Sympy to support symbolic differentiation, and realized the switch from Sympy matrix to Numpy matrix combined with Python built-in functions dict and zip. The optimization toolbox for scientific research is designed for Researchers and Developers.

If you used optimtool in your research, welcome to cite it in your paper (follow the format below).

林景. optimtool: The fundamental package for scientific research in optimization. 2021.

download latest version:

git clone
cd optimtool
pip install -e . --verbose

download stable version:

pip install optimtool --upgrade

download version without optimized architecture:

pip install optimtool==2.3.5

download versions optimized architecture with typing variables:

pip install optimtool>=2.4.0

download versions with improved h2h function:

pip install optimtool>=2.4.2

download versions with enhanced document expression and detection of illegal input:

pip install optimtool>=2.5.0rc0

download versions with supported hybrid algorithms:

pip install optimtool>=2.5.0

download versions with better supported numpy:

pip install optimtool>=2.6.0

download versions with improved algorithm details:

pip install optimtool>=2.7.0

download versions with optimized memory and architect:

pip install optimtool>=2.8.0

advices: if the demand for custom input function is stronger than input type check allowed in higher versions, it is recommended to download v2.4.4; if users need to extend types of FuncType in and (based on the types implemented in sympy.core), the optimizations made in higher versions can be preserved and reflected.


|- optimtool
    |-- constrain
    |-- example
    |-- hybrid
    |-- unconstrain

  When solving the global or local convergence points of different objective functions, different methods for obtaining the convergence points will have different convergence efficiency and different scope of application. In addition, research methods in different fields are constantly proposed, modified, improved and expanded in the research process, so these methods have become what people now call "optimization methods". All internally supported algorithms in this project are designed and improved on the basis of basic methodologies such as norm, derivative, convex set, convex function, conjugate function, subgradient and optimization theory.

  optimtool has built-in algorithms with good convergence efficiency and properties in unconstrained optimization fields, such as Barzilar-Borwein non-monotone gradient descent method, modified Newton-method, finite memory BFGS method, truncated conjugate gradient trust-region-method, Gauss Newton-method, as well as quadratic penalty function method, augmented Lagrangian method and other algorithms used to solve constrained optimization problems.

Getting Started

Unconstrained Optimization Algorithms(unconstrain)

import optimtool.unconstrain as ou
ou.[Method Name].[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point])

Gradient Descent Methods(gradient_descent)

ou.gradient_descent.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point])
head method explain
solve(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Solve the exact step by solving the equation
steepest(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Use line search method to solve imprecise step size (wolfe line search is used by default)
barzilar_borwein(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="Grippo", c1: float=0.6, beta: float=0.6, M: int=20, eta: float=0.6, alpha: float=1., epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Update the step size using the nonmonotonic line search method proposed by Grippo and Zhang Hanger

Newton Methods(newton)

ou.newton.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point])
head method explain
classic(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType The next step is obtained by directly invert the second derivative matrix of Target Function (Hessian matrix)
modified(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Revise the current Hesssian matrix to ensure its positive definiteness (only one correction method is connected at present)
CG(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", eps: float=1e-3, epsilon: float=1e-6, k: int=0) -> OutputType Newton conjugate gradient method is used to solve the gradient (a kind of inexact Newton method)

Quasi Newton Methods(newton_quasi)

ou.newton_quasi.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point])
head method explain
bfgs(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Update Hessian Matrix by BFGS Method
dfp(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Update Hessian Matrix by DFP Method
L_BFGS(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", m: int=6, epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Update Hessian Matrix of BFGS by Double Loop Method

Nonlinear Least Square Methods(nonlinear_least_square)

ou.nonlinear_least_square.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point])
head method explain
gauss_newton(funcr: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False,, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="wolfe", epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Gauss Newton method framework, include OR decomposition and other operations
levenberg_marquardt(funcr: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, lamk: float=1., eta: float=0.2, p1: float=0.4, p2: float=0.9, gamma1: float=0.7, gamma2: float=1.3, epsk: float=1e-6, epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Methodology framework proposed by Levenberg Marquardt

Trust Region Methods(trust_region)

ou.trust_region.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point])
head method explain
steihaug_CG(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, r0: float=1., rmax: float=2., eta: float=0.2, p1: float=0.4, p2: float=0.6, gamma1: float=0.5, gamma2: float=1.5, epsk: float=1e-6, epsilon: float=1e-6, k: int=0) -> OutputType Truncated conjugate gradient method used to search step size in this method

Constrained Optimization Algorithms(constrain)

import optimtool.constrain as oc
oc.[Method Name].[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Equal Constraint Table], [Unequal Constraint Table], [Initial Point])

Equal Constraint(equal)

oc.equal.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Equal Constraint Table], [Initial Point])
head method explain
penalty_quadratice(funcs: FuncArray, args: FuncArray, cons: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", sigma: float=10., p: float=2., epsk: float=1e-4, epsilon: float=1e-6, k: int=0) -> OutputType Add quadratic penalty
lagrange_augmentede(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, cons: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", lamk: float=6., sigma: float=10., p: float=2., etak: float=1e-4, epsilon: float=1e-6, k: int=0) -> OutputType Augmented lagrange multiplier method

Unequal Constraint(unequal)

oc.unequal.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Unequal Constraint Table], [Initial Point])
head method explain
penalty_quadraticu(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, cons: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", sigma: float=10., p: float=0.4, epsk: float=1e-4, epsilon: float=1e-6, k: int=0) -> OutputType Add quadratic penalty
lagrange_augmentedu(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, cons: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", muk: float=10., sigma: float=8., alpha: float=0.2, beta: float=0.7, p: float=2., eta: float=1e-1, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Augmented lagrange multiplier method

Mixequal Constraint(mixequal)

oc.mixequal.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Equal Constraint Table], [Unequal Constraint Table], [Initial Point])
head method explain
penalty_quadraticm(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, cons_equal: FuncArray, cons_unequal: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", sigma: float=10., p: float=0.6, epsk: float=1e-6, epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType Add quadratic penalty
penalty_L1(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, cons_equal: FuncArray, cons_unequal: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", sigma: float=1., p: float=0.6, epsk: float=1e-6, epsilon: float=1e-10, k: int=0) -> OutputType L1 exact penalty function method
lagrange_augmentedm(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, cons_equal: FuncArray, cons_unequal: FuncArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, method: str="newton", lamk: float=6., muk: float=10., sigma: float=8., alpha: float=0.5, beta: float=0.7, p: float=2., etak: float=1e-3, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Augmented lagrange multiplier method

Application of Methods(example)

import optimtool.example as oe

Lasso Problem(Lasso)

oe.Lasso.[Function Name]([Matrxi A], [Matrix b], [Factor mu], [Parameters], [Initial Point])
head method explain
gradient(A: NDArray, b: NDArray, mu: float, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, delta: float=10., alp: float=1e-3, epsilon: float=1e-3, k: int=0) -> OutputType Smooth Lasso Function Method
subgradient(A: NDArray, b: NDArray, mu: float, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, alphak: float=2e-2, epsilon: float=1e-3, k: int=0) -> OutputType Subgradient method Lasso: avoid first order nondifferentiability
approximate_point(A: NDArray, b: NDArray, mu: float, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-3, k: int=0) -> OutputType Update by adjacent operator

Curve Tangency Problem(WanYuan)

oe.WanYuan.[Function Name]([The Slope of the Line], [Intercept of Line], [Coefficient of Quadratic Term], [Coefficient of Primary Term], [Constant Term], [Abscissa of Circle Center], [Vertical Coordinate of Circle Center], [Initial Point])

Problem Description:

Given the slope and intercept of a straight line, given the coefficient of the quadratic term, the coefficient of the primary term and the constant term of a parabolic function. It is required to solve a circle with a given center, which is tangent to the parabola and straight line at the same time. If there is a feasible scheme, please provide the coordinates of the tangent point.
head method explain
solution(m: float, n: float, a: float, b: float, c: float, x3: float, y3: float, x_0: tuple, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=False, eps: float=1e-10) -> str Use Gauss Newton method to solve 7 construct residual functions

Hybrid Optimization Algorithms(hybrid)

import optimtool.hybrid as oh

Approximate Points(approt)

oh.approt.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point], [Regulation Parameter], [Proximity Operator])
head method explain
grad(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, mu: float=1e-3, proxim: str="L1", tk: float=0.02, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Proximity approximation based on gradient method

FISTA Algorithms(fista)

oh.fista.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point], [Regulation Parameter], [Proximity Operator])
head method explain
normal(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, mu: float=1e-3, proxim: str="L1", tk: float=0.02, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Two step calculation of a new point
variant(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, mu: float=1e-3, proxim: str="L1", tk: float=0.02, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Equivalent deformation of normal method
decline(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, mu: float=1e-3, proxim: str="L1", tk: float=0.02, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Variant based on the downward trend of the function

Nesterov Algorithms(nesterov)

oh.nesterov.[Function Name]([Target Function], [Parameters], [Initial Point], [Regulation Parameter], [Proximity Operator])
head method explain
seckin(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, mu: float=1e-3, proxim: str="L1", tk: float=0.02, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType Nesterov acceleration method of the second kind
accer(funcs: FuncArray, args: ArgArray, x_0: PointArray, mu: float=1e-3, proxim: str="L1", lk: float=0.01, tk: float=0.02, verbose: bool=False, draw: bool=True, output_f: bool=False, epsilon: float=1e-4, k: int=0) -> OutputType An accelerated method for hybrid optimization algorithm