A deep learning approach to predict 4mC sites in Geobacter pickeringii by using correlation-based feature selection technique
Python3 (tested 3.5.4)
jupyter (tested 1.0.0)
scikit-learn (tested 0.22.1)
pandas (tested 1.0.1)
numpy (tested 1.18.1)
gensim (tested 3.8.1)
sklearn (tested 0.19.1)
keras (tested 2.3.1)
tensorflow (tested 2.1.0)
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Zulfiqar, H., Huang, Q.L., Lv, H., Sun, Z.J., Dao, F.Y. and Lin, H. "Deep-4mCGP: A Deep Learning Approach to Predict 4mC Sites in Geobacter pickeringii by Using Correlation-Based Feature Selection Technique". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022), 23(3), 1251. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23031251