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129 lines (101 loc) · 6.45 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. As of 4.0.0, this project adheres to Semantic Versioning and the format is based on the suggestions a

[4.2.0] - 2025-01-22

  • The minimum required and tested version of PHP is now 8.1.
  • example.php clearly indicates when a public album can't be found.


  • Updated dependencies for PHP 8.1 and later and to address security notices.

[4.1.0] - 2018-08-24


  • Support for "non-inline" expansions.


  • The minimum required and tested version of PHP is now 5.6.
  • The _config option, if provided as an array, is JSON encoded for ease of use.


  • Empty arguments are stripped from the URL before calling the API. Fixes #43.

[4.0.0] - 2015-12-31


  • Support for SmugMug's v2 API.


  • Complete rewrite of phpSmug.
  • Introduction of proper semantic versioning.
  • Switched to using Guzzle for requests to the API. This means more reliable and predictable behaviour and allows for easier future improvements in phpSmug without having to worry about maintaining a library that submits requests.
  • All tests are now public and run on Travis CI with every push.
  • phpSmug is now licensed under the MIT license.
  • PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 coding standards are implemented and enforced by unit testing.
  • phpSmug 4.0.0 is not backwardly compatible with phpSmug 3.5 and earlier.


  • Caching has been removed from this release.
  • Support for SmugMug's 1.3.0 and earlier API.

[3.5] - 2013-03-02


  • Ability to sign an image URL with OAuth authentication parameters to allow embedding of "non-external" images within external sites. Fixes #16.
  • example-external-links.php example to demonstrate the above.


  • Switched to using Markdown for the README file.
  • Misc other little coding changes and improvements.

[3.4] - 2011-06-21


  • Added missing hidden header for image uploads that should be hidden. Fixes #12.

[3.3] - 2011-06-03


  • Worked around bizarre behaviour in the way PHP's implode() and http_build_query() handle associative array keys with empty values. Fixes [#11].

[3.2] - 2011-05-30


  • Implemented the ability to force all API communication to occur securely over HTTPS. OAuth Only. (#9)


  • phpSmug now uses the documented API endpoints (#8)
  • Updated OAuth example to use new Album URL and to remove its use of the deprecated session_unregister() PHP function.
  • Improved support for the 1.3.0 API endpoint (#10)

[3.1] - 2011-03-28


  • phpSmug now defaults to using the 1.2.2 API endpoint. All earlier endpoints are still available, but technically deprecated by SmugMug.
  • Improved connection settings


  • Removed erroneous re-instantiation of processor when setting adapter. Corrected check for safe_dir OR open_basedir so fails over to socket connection correctly

[3.0] - 2010-11-13


  • The setProxy() method now allows you to set a proxy username and password.
  • phpSmug no longer depends on PEAR so no longer ships any PEAR modules.
  • phpSmug is now 100% PHP 5 E_STRICT compliant (#2). phpSmug is now licensed under the GPLv3 license.


  • OAuth token setting now works correctly again (#7).

[2.2] - 2010-07-21


  • Added methods to handle calling of the various login.* methods offered by the API when using these instead of the single login() method offered by phpSmug. (#6)


  • https is forced for all calls that use OAuth with the PLAINTEXT signature method. WARNING: Uploads are however rejected by the API if you use PLAINTEXT (which is NOT the default).
  • Upload filenames are now encoded to ensure spaces and non-ascii characters are correctly handled.
  • images_upload() now honours any earlier setProxy() calls so uploads can occur through that proxy.
  • clearCache() now takes a boolean argument to state whether you want the cache location to be removed when the cache is cleared. Default is FALSE, ie the cache location will NOT be removed.
  • For my own benefit, I've now implemented a full PHPUnit test suite that checks all functionality of phpSmug.


  • Failed upload responses and smugmug.auth.* method responses are no longer cached.

[2.1] - 2009-09-27


  • SmugMug's mode (ie read-only etc) is now stored in $obj->mode for easy checking of SmugMug's status.


  • Changed image_upload method to upload to instead of SmugMug made changes to enforce the use of as uploading to was causing problems. (#5)


  • Resolved issue with recaching of cached data (#4).
  • Corrected "login with hash" example in the README file.

[2.0.2] - 2009-02-22


  • Tidied up code so phpSmug.php is E_STRICT compliant and doesn't report any notice messages.


  • Force error log level to be lower than E_STRICT due to limitation of PEAR modules (See notes in #2).
  • Resolved over-zealous clearCache() function (#3).

[2.0.1] - 2008-11-07


  • Resolved issue where error code was not passed to Exception() line 350 (#1)

[2.0.0] - 2008-10-31


  • phpSmug has been rewritten so it not a backwardly compatible drop-in replacement for phpSmug 1.x.
  • Arguments to a method need to be passed either as a series of strings or an array.
  • phpSmug is no longer compatible with PHP 4.
  • Defaults to using the only stable endpoint provided by SmugMug: the 1.2.0 endpoint. However, it is fully functional with the later endpoint revisions. To use a later version of the endpoint, just set the version when instantiating the instance using APIver.
  • All smugmug.login.* methods are handled by a single login() method.
  • phpSmug now throws exceptions on error.