diff --git a/docs/migration/2.6-to-3.0-paginator.adoc b/docs/migration/2.6-to-3.0-paginator.adoc
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+= Migrating `Paginator` from Lift 2.6 to Lift 3.0
+The 2.x series of Lift brought a lot of change and innovation. In particular,
+while it started with an approach based on the `bind` helper that transformed
+namespaced XHTML elements into the values that the developer wanted to display,
+it progressed to an HTML5-based approach built around CSS selector transforms.
+As of Lift 3.0, CSS selector transforms are the only supported transforms, so
+as to keep the core of the framework relatively lean and encourage proper HTML
+One of the Lift components that leveraged the `bind`-style transforms heavily
+was `Paginator`. As of Lift 3.0, it's been reworked to use CSS selector
+transforms instead, which means you'll be moving from placeholder elements that
+use XML namespaces to regular HTML elements with appropriate classes.
+== Bind Points
+In the old `Paginator`, bind points were elements with the namespace `navPrefix`
+and various names, e.g. `nav:first` for the link pointing to the first page.
+Lift 3.0 instead looks for certain CSS classes in elements. Here's a mapping
+from old `nav:*` elements to CSS classes:
+.Lift 2.6 wizard element to Lift 3.0 CSS class mapping
+| Lift 2.6 Element | Lift 3.0 CSS Class
+| `nav:first` | `first`
+| `nav:prev` | `prev`
+| `nav:allpages` | `all-pages`
+| `nav:zoomedpages` | `zoomed-pages`
+| `nav:next` | `next`
+| `nav:last` | `last`
+| `nav:records` | `records`
+| `nav:recordsFrom` | `records-start`
+| `nav:recordsTo` | `records-end`
+| `nav:recordsCount` | `records-count`
+Generally speaking, you can annotate the container element or the element that
+will have a given value directly with the class of the content it should
+contain, rather than needing an extra container with the class like the old
+`nav:*` elements. For example, where before you had:
+.Lift 2.6 simple pagination example