- Install
cli from github
- Merge all PRs to
- Make sure all issues and PRs are labeled in github with upcoming milestone to be released
- From Github UI open a PR from
- Make sure all tests pass
- NOTE: Don't merge main from github UI, it doesn't fast-forward correctly, instead do it locally
- Exec
git checkout next && git pull --ff-only upstream next
- Exec
git checkout main && git pull --ff-only upstream main
- Make sure you are on
branch and execute(test "$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)" = "main" && git merge --ff-only next) || echo "Failed: current branch is not main"
- Export RELEASE_TAG var:
export RELEASE_TAG=v20230427
- Tag
branch with milestone tag:git tag $RELEASE_TAG
- Push
branch:git push --tags upstream main
- Release from tag
gh release create $RELEASE_TAG --generate-notes
- Run
git show main
andgit show next
and confirm they are exact same SHA - Also if you look at the PR you opened in Github, you will notice its auto-closed (since we fastforwarded main from next locally and pushed)
Happy releasing!