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🧍 Accessibility
🧍 Accessibility
Pull requests related with accessibility improvements or issues.
⤵️ pull
:arrow_heading_down: pull
🔍 Backend Review Needed
🔍 Backend Review Needed
Backend code needs to be reviewed by a member of the team.
🛠 Changes Needed
🛠 Changes Needed
Reviewer has reviewed the PR and suggested changes.
ci:test - failure
ci:test - failure
ci:test - pending
ci:test - pending
ci:test - success
ci:test - success
ci:test:acceptance-dxp - failure
ci:test:acceptance-dxp - failure
ci:test:acceptance-dxp - pending
ci:test:acceptance-dxp - pending
ci:test:cms - failure
ci:test:cms - failure
ci:test:cms - pending
ci:test:cms - pending
ci:test:cms - success
ci:test:cms - success
ci:test:content-management - failure
ci:test:content-management - failure
ci:test:content-management - pending
ci:test:content-management - pending
ci:test:dryrun - pending
ci:test:dryrun - pending
ci:test:dryrun - success
ci:test:dryrun - success
ci:test:echo - failure
ci:test:echo - failure
ci:test:echo - pending
ci:test:echo - pending
ci:test:echo-playwright - failure
ci:test:echo-playwright - failure
ci:test:echo-playwright - pending
ci:test:echo-playwright - pending
ci:test:echo-playwright - success
ci:test:echo-playwright - success
ci:test:headless-functional - failure
ci:test:headless-functional - failure
ci:test:headless-functional - pending
ci:test:headless-functional - pending
ci:test:headless-poshi - failure
ci:test:headless-poshi - failure
ci:test:headless-poshi - pending
ci:test:headless-poshi - pending
ci:test:license - pending
ci:test:license - pending
ci:test:license - success
ci:test:license - success
ci:test:object - failure
ci:test:object - failure
ci:test:object - pending
ci:test:object - pending