Lichess development environment using Docker Compose, for developing on Mac, Linux, or Windows (via WSL).
The only requirement for running on your local machine is Docker Desktop, and optionally git. All the other dependencies (Scala, MongoDB, Node.js, etc) are installed and run in Docker containers.
As an alternative to running it on your local machine, you can use Gitpod (a free, online, VS Code-like IDE) for contributing. With a single click, it will launch a workspace and automatically:
- Clone the necessary Lichess repositories
- Install all the dependencies
- Seed your database with test data
- Start your development site
Click here to create a workspace:
Also, see for more information on how to use prebuilds to speed up your development.
Install Docker Desktop and have it running
Clone this repo:
git clone
Start the services
cd lila-docker ./lila-docker start
Starting new services may take 5-10 minutes. Some services will start before others and you may see errors in the logs until everything comes online.
Lila requires about 12GB of RAM to build. Make sure there is enough RAM available, especially when using Docker Desktop, which allocates 50% of the available RAM by default.
Lila will be the last service to complete, at which point you can visit http://localhost:8080/ to see the site.
To stop the containers, for later resuming via ./lila-docker start
./lila-docker stop
To remove the containers:
./lila-docker down
To add a new optional service after the initial setup has already been done:
./lila-docker add-services
Select the service you want to add from the list of options.
NOTE: This will not affect the existing services, only the new ones among the selected services will be added.
Always available:
Service | URL |
Main lila instance | http://localhost:8080/ |
Depending on which optional services you start:
Service | URL |
Mongodb manager | http://localhost:8081/ |
Email inbox | http://localhost:8025/ |
lila-gif | http://localhost:6175/image.gif?fen=4k3/6KP/8/8/8/8/7p/8 |
Picfit | http://localhost:3001/healthcheck |
Elasticsearch manager | http://localhost:8092/ |
lila-search docs | http://localhost:9673/docs/ |
API docs | http://localhost:8089/ |
Chessground | http://localhost:8090/demo.html |
PGN Viewer | http://localhost:8091/ |
InfluxDB | http://localhost:8086/ (admin/password) |
To restart lila (after making changes to any Scala code):
./lila-docker lila restart
To watch for Typescript/SCSS changes and automatically recompile:
./lila-docker ui
If you edit the conf/routes
file, you'll need to update the route cache.
docker compose exec lila ./ playRoutes
After modifying a translation/source/*.xml
file, run:
docker compose run --rm -w /lila ui pnpm run i18n-file-gen
./lila-docker format
docker compose cp mongodb:/data/db ./database
Then in docker-compose.yml
add - ./database:/data/db
to mongodb volumes
To install the development version of Berserk and run a sample script against your local development site:
docker compose run --rm -w /berserk python sh -c "pip install -e . && python /scripts/"
docker compose run --rm -w /berserk python sh -c "pip install -e . && python /scripts/"
- In VS Code, open this
project and install the Dev Containers extension - Cmd+Shift+P > "Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container"
- A new VS Code window will open, attached to the container instead of your host machine
- File > Open Folder > "/workspaces/lila-docker/repos/lila" (or whichever Scala project you want to work on)
- Install + Enable the Scala Metals extension (Cmd+Shift+X > "Scala (Metals)")
- Cmd+Shift+P > "Metals: Import build"
Once the build has been imported, you should have code completion, go to definition, etc when you open a Scala file.
If you're making changes to the Scalachess library, you can have lila use it instead of the published Maven version:
Update the
file in the scalachess repo:- ThisBuild / version := "15.6.7" + ThisBuild / version := "my-test-1" # give it a custom version
Update the
file in the lila repo:- val chess = "org.lichess" %% "scalachess" % "15.6.7" + val chess = "org.lichess" %% "scalachess" % "my-test-1"
Publish the local scalachess changes and restart lila:
docker compose exec -w /scalachess lila sbt publishLocal docker compose restart lila
Other Scalachess commands:
## formatting
docker compose run --rm -w /scalachess --entrypoint="sbt check" lila
docker compose run --rm -w /scalachess --entrypoint="sbt prepare" lila
## compile
docker compose run --rm -w /scalachess --entrypoint="sbt compile" lila
## test
docker compose run --rm -w /scalachess --entrypoint="sbt testKit/test" lila
## package
docker compose run --rm -w /scalachess --entrypoint="sbt package" lila
By default, your local lila instance will use the version of chessground + pgn-viewer that are published to npm. If you want to make changes to either library and see them reflected in your local lila instance, you can do the following:
Have lila use the local copy:
docker compose run --rm -w /lila ui bash -c "pnpm link /chessground" docker compose run --rm ui bash -c "for dir in ui/bits ui/opening ui/site ui/tutor ui/common; do cd /lila/\$dir && pnpm link /pgn-viewer; done"
Start the compilers in watch mode:
docker compose run --rm -w /chessground ui bash -c "pnpm install && pnpm run compile --watch" docker compose run --rm -w /pgn-viewer ui bash -c "pnpm install && pnpm run dist"
See the updated chessground demo: http://localhost:8090/demo.html See the updated pgn-viewer demo: http://localhost:8091/
Start the lila ui build in watch mode:
./lila-docker ui
and when you refresh lila, it will use the local copy of chessground and/or pgn-viewer.
To view the InfluxDB monitoring dashboard, start your environment with the Monitoring
service enabled. You can view the metrics at:
http://localhost:8086 (admin/password)
or by running:
curl --get http://localhost:8086/query \ --header "Authorization: Token secret" \ --data-urlencode "db=kamon" \ --data-urlencode "q=show measurements;"